SFoL 61.5 - Dead Chat

Anyway has Napoleon used his guard yet?

You donā€™t HAVE to use an ability every night
Archers donā€™t just shoot N1 because itā€™s a kill


He put in no action so he isnā€™t using it

knights shouldnā€™t yolo CS

Yes because theyā€™re town sided.
Scum sided killers on the other hand.

and when you do you shoot Priestess as a Prince

whatā€™s the difference

in like 70% of worlds, arete killing someone means they lose

where no-killing means they can have a chance at victory

there is nuance there and it isnā€™t just ā€œpress button becuase I have itā€

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Though Iā€™d like to know why would Katze think Arete is town here? Arete was voting Katze and not Ans. That should tell her he cannot be town anymore.

In katzeā€™s eyes, Arete can only be town because they got SFed and them being converted is super unlikely

Alright I get Arete not killing anyone here. Though why Katze would think Arete is a good target is a head scratcher.

Anyway is Napoleon using a guard?

Heā€™d be using it on either Gorta or himself no?

Heā€™s not using it

Only question is will she realise Arete is likely getting healed by either Seth or Gorta here?

I still got an unanswered question here. Does heal have higher priority over delayed death?

If we even somehow win this, I will continue doing this type of fancy FPS plays as Prince

Katze might be able to snipe the Archdeacon as Napoleon isnā€™t using a guard here.

Heal has higher priority over delay

Seth is going to be on Arete right?

Hasnā€™t inputted a night action yet