SFoL 61.5 - Dead Chat

Scum could have lynched any town with 4 votes to 3. Facepalm moment.

Youā€™d be surprised what kind of shenanigans can happen here in these games.

If only kat had another use of Sword of Damocles.

She could have not used it on Ans.

Hey Marshal. Have the night actions been changed?

so there was a slight issue with that

kat had selected sword of damocles on ans

and then later said (paraphrased)

ā€œCould I do something like /prequeue SoD on ans if both he and I are on l-1?ā€

I interpereted it as a question, but kat meant it as an action, however I had to interpret it and couldnā€™t just ask kat what they meant


If it means anything to you Marshal, I think Arete was risking a loss by attacking someone.

Does that mean Katze have SoD use left?

no SoD uses are left

Oh wait she doesnā€™t as Ans was lynched with 3 votes.

Iā€™m still facepalming hard as Katze doesnā€™t realise Arete is probably scum at this point. Itā€™s easy to see that, yet all that needs to be done is read the votes.

I mean, I wouldnā€™t expect someone that shouldā€™ve been SFā€™ed to be converted either.


That might be what gives Unseen the win. They wonā€™t suspect Arete is the convert until itā€™s too late.

Not to mention that he is being protected by Gorta. So Arete will play them like a fiddle.

Iā€™m still face palming Intensify not executing Katze in jail. Even as evil that is really bad.

No. They did the best move for Cult.

Which left 4 scum vs 3 town and now no Prince to execute evils.

How is that not worthy of a facepalm?

Jane is that an anime pfp by chance?

It is, yes.