SFoL 61.5 - Dead Chat

inb4 seth heals Nappy

Hey so whatā€™s the likely hood of me getting killed night 1 in my next forum game for claiming alch?

Alchemist is normally a BD class in forum matches
So higher than you think

Ok I meant neutral alchemist type class

You see
Classes like that seldom actually show up

Also there seems to be some streak with me getting killer classesā€¦ Iā€™m betting $10 in my next forum match I will get another killer class again

I will gladly take that bet

Aight bet then, also was Aliceā€™s class disguised or something?

Nope they were Witcher.

@CRichard564 buddy please you have to stop mentioning this game in other threads. Even something as simple as ā€œthis game should be ending soonā€ can be angleshot. This is your only warning.

is this gonna be the first fol nk win

I donā€™t know maybe.

Right now it seems Katze is going for Arete and Arete is taking no action.

areteā€™s best action here is to nokill but kat will probably double kill

I thought the double kill can only happen if a cult was lynched the previous day.

and you appear to be correct

Also Gorta will be on Arete tonight.

Itā€™s possible that we might see cult win this game if they lynch Katze and then Arete.

itā€™s a 3v3
probably not possible without some real luck

Which is true.