SFoL 61.5 - Dead Chat

SFoL 60 flashback of Italy’s execution.

15 hours until we know if Unseen wins the game right then and there.

Eh it’s fine, I will admit myself my uhhh plays probably weren’t the best ideas at the current time.

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please never play prince like this again

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Promises can not be made

you see if ITALY is scolding you it might be a problem :^)

I second, third, fourth and all of the numbers this.

Not executing kat was good tho.

if i had bleeds left you would’ve been fucked

Ok but like imagine me doing this with deadeye last game, I wonder how that would go

You probably would have been executed

Town was definitely playing better in SFoL 61
No way would you survive that

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if you weren’t “haha mechconfirm go brrr” vessel you would have been killed

He almost got killed AS vessel

That’s a problem :eyes:

You know, I’m suprised Arete is not going for Gorta

Killing Napoleon makes Arete instantly win
It’s worth it

inb4 seth heals Nappy thinking they are EK

Nah Seth is healing Arete

I wonder what might happen if Gorta or TBE somehow convinces Seth that they are Unseen

Seth knows all of their alignments

Shame : (