SFoL 61.5 - Dead Chat

it’s strange how killing 13 people can completely overthrow a government

It just works

I mean
This government is controlled by religion
And said religion enploys ritualistic sacrifice

they know blood magic
they can definitely take on some rando with a knife

This rando with a knife also knows elemental magic

And they also stole katze’s sword

Ok but what about the NKs?
They’re dealing with magical astronauts, some judge with a bunch of swords, something about a religious person who’s into chains or something, vanilla ice cream and big brain NK

Those are all very threatening NKs

Truly very dangerous

Possibly the strongest one

she forgot blood magic the moment she converted to the heretics

if Frostweaver actually spawned then her flavor would be that she’s a sociopathic Cryomancer who’s trying to spread eternal Winter

Yo wait how come inquisitor or Jesus wasn’t one of the NKs?

Technically Zealot is just an Inquisitor

we’re still waiting for official Catgirl neutral killer

how many of the NK ideas did you steal from kape

Ok but jesus NK when?

Exactly 1
And he wanted me to add Zealot

zealot was a kape idea
without a doubt

You’re telling me Kape didn’t ask for Astromancer

Aside from that and the names of Astromancer/Arbiter, the nks are mine

also I’m yeeting out Mind Flayer for a new one for this batch of 5