SFoL 61.5 - Dead Chat

Did I drop this?


You know if Dybu’s pfp had a Danganronpa pfp. I would have suspected an Alice alt really fast.

you are meanie
dybu dabu

I highly doubt Dybu is Alice.

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Alice had a Danganronpa pfp, Dabu doesn’t have an anime pfp. :thinking:

I don’t. I’ve always been serious about this.

Yeah I think Vulgard has officially become a conspiracy theorist guys.

Not invented by the CIA to discredit people who doubt the government talking points.

She literally admitted to it. This isn’t a conspiracy theory anymore.


Where? I doubt that.


This is a FoL 27 betrayal moment, except this time I had suspicions all along.

That was obviously sarcasm.

You’re being outwitted.


you were EK all along?

wait a minute


X files music.

Tfw the wagon on the villager was pure except for Mode.

This game was a dumpster fire for Cult