SFoL 61.5 - Dead Chat

Astromancer is my nk Astro idea for ToL but modified to work in FoL

i kept telling kape
inquisitor NK would be too underpowered
they never listened

NOOOOO don’t get rid of big brain NK, that one was my favourite

Mind Flayer is in regular FoL

Would rather be unique

turns out that Zealot is probably stronger than Astromancer and Arbiter because lmao strongmans

What about frostweaver

Frostweaver is a bad idea made by me

And I already have to nerf it :sunglasses:

in comparison to reaper, sorcerer and possessor
it was weak

Sorc is strong???

Sorcerer is stronger here

In FoL worst nk is probably Demon

Idk what you did to Sorc, but I refuse to believe it’s a good NK

ah yes just let me kill half the court in a single night

laughs in SFoL60
cries in getting caught N1 by noble

So what’s the difference?

Sorc can bomb King

ToL sorc is bad because it has no mechanics in its favor in a game where most town do
FoL sorc is good because mechanics aren’t nearly as prevalent in the average game

strongman that kills all visitors is usually kinda good

but you gotta be lucky on who you can actually strongman so

bypassing healing is nice

Oh so that fixes one problem, but then what about the others? Healing still stops sorc

killing the healers?
FoL doesn’t have guaranteed healers

Also reaper is kinda weird now…

not like reap works in a forum game?