SFoL 61.5 - Dead Chat

Also also
I can feel a Sword of Damocles quickhammer coming

Also bussing in FoL is dumb because the NK exists and it’s entirely possible to get towncred by hunting for them. Change my view.

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Bussing in FoL is dumb

hard agree, never would

however I don’t think ans really should be faulted here for Crich’s meltdown

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well you see, crich wasn’t supposed to be bussed but he failed an RT he knew about in advance


He literally told Crich about the RT

Crich had hours to plan and still didn’t have a claim lined up or any preperation and instead decided to go with “my scummy tone was an RT” which was… not ever going to work on anyone ever


Next time I roll an anti-BD Killing role I’m going to kill the outed Prince and claim I’m an Archer doing a reaction test by killing him.


Make sure said prince is priestess


“it’s just a prank bro”? nah

“it was just an RT bro”

Well, at least Anstreim’s getting a shit-ton of towncred as nobody would think that anyone sane would bus their only wolfmate on the first day.

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Currently he plans on converting TBE

But is also debating on Arete as well

Arete would be really really really good because they would be outted as SF’ed by nappy (said SF was blocked by derps)

Like, Chloe’s explanation for her wolfy tone d1 was better as it was way too out there and the closed setup made it realistic.

“It was a RT” just falls flat.

Which also means that SF continues the trend of being a meme 9/10 times


SF in randomizer was a good SF

i’d argue your virtuous one wasn’t bad (even tho I did get :b:onked n1)

in conclusion

SFing marshal good

Tbh, I basically had no time to play then.

You see virtuous in general was a meme for me

you had to at least pop in a “iso me for reads” :^)

I still can’t believe that you caught me because of me not bothering with logs, tbh.

well no i personally was fairly sure you were scum because your push on me was not a town!alice thing

but that was kind of indisputable evidence for everyone

does kinda suck but :man_shrugging:

I don’t feel too bad about it because you had time to prepare logs and this wasn’t like a “immediately force replacement to copy paste logs” type thing