SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

Also I tried my best to read everyone and my conclusion is that I have no conclusion

Intensify youā€™ve been late talking in this thread as last game. Is it real life thatā€™s getting in the way of playing FoL/SFoL games?

I need to cook soon, but I am glad I caught up before the EoD. Tomorrow I swear I will be active

An idea to make this setup even more fun next time is to make a new neutral role that can talk with the dead.

I noticed that there isnā€™t one.


Here my read list
CRichard564 - Null| Everyone suspiciously pushing this dude day 1, poor dude. Idk I donā€™t think day oneā€™s look like good reads since no one has really claim and there is no mechanical info. I donā€™t even know how CRich acts in other FOLs, and I think his aggression is justified considering that he is being pushed. Maybe wolfish, but I want to see till tmrw. Ok nvm, after reading a bit, he seems very evil, Iā€™m changing my mind. Actually nvm Idk anymore
katze - Null
TheBlueElixir (D1 Alch, faithful apperently?) (Bled day 1 interestingly) - Null
Alice - Null
Arete - Null| Arete is Arete, and Arete is Arete and Arete is Arete
Intensify - Hi it me
Italy - Null| Posting random crap, apparently he does this a lot?
Napoleon :crown: (Nappy is bleeding, bleeding nappy reeeeeee) - Null| Teaming on CRich, seems like susp actions. But he does seem less aggressive which appears to make them look town considering how last game he was aggressive and he was NK. Update: He seems more aggressive, but not as aggressive as last time
an_gorta_pratai - Null
ModeShifter - Null
Appelsiini - Null
Jane - Null
SirDerpsAlot (Merc claim with Ans and CRich? and then retracts it now?) (Bleeding from Acoylte or something?) - Null|
Gaja1234 - Null|No post yet, REEEEEEEEEEEEE
Clonedcheese - Null| Odd entrance I think, but eh who knows really

Literally all nulls, no conclusions so far, Iā€™m gonna wait until tomorrow to think about this more

Why not make it a town role with limited power to speak to the dead

Nice I got the big fat null

There already is one.
I want a Neutral role that can have dead interaction too!

How do you only get nulls from everyone today? No offense, but this feels off

Anyways, Iā€™ll try to talk more on day 2, I just need to get into the habit of getting on forums every 2 hours or so. Hell, I donā€™t even think notifications are working


Idk, some people are saying things that seem off, but then they go say other thing that makes them seem town or other people do vice versa

okay so like

normally having lots of nulls is a scumtell for new players

but I want to believe that if Insanity were groupscum their partner would have said ā€˜donā€™t put literally everyone in nullā€™??

Did you get a different role this time?



Why do you want to knowā€¦ ?