SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

It’s nothing, but I kind of see what you mean

this kinda feels like they didn’t actually read
like they stopped reading halfway through or just had someone give them a tldr of what happened

Think what you want of my read list

I mean if you got the same role you would have diffidently reacted differently.

Unless this is the NK, or nub wolves



Why exactly? Getting deadeye twice seems coincidental for my first 2 games unless Amelia is trolling with me

I won’t say what I am, but I don’t like this role as much as the last one

Mode can you please stop rolefishing thanks

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Also technically I kind of skimmed over everything I guess… but I did go through entire thread

I was about to go take a shower until I saw your readlist:
-Did you honestly not find any posts from any people that you think would be alignment-indicative?
-Why is this the third readlist from which I’m absent today.

Because memery aside, I think this D1 has been a lot more productive and there are several people who can be judged off of interactions.
Not to mention a pair that could be more or less read through meta.

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Though I did find some things off about some people, they would also have other posts that contradict my initial conclusion thus making them a null for me

this list seems fake to me
tbe said they weren’t actually bleed if i recall correctly

Which players would you say this applies to?

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Also just wanna say my Town Core was accurate before Re-Rand.

I was also disappointed who the scum team was.

Name Em!

Your prob scum this game.