SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

These, they even acknowledged it when I picked up on it. The fact that all of their answers were mostly one liners + the fact that I had to drag them into conversations, not to mention that they weren’t even memeing as much as they did in the first game:

(This is the post where they acknowledged that I took notice of the shift):

I said that I have a theory about their behavior myself, but I want to hear your take first.

i was supposed to go to sleep 2 hours ago but i decided that was optimal wallpost writing time and now im here

Should I explain why Appelsiini is Neutral Killer

It’s not even specific posts that gave me the impression, it’s basically the first part of D1.
Go and re-ISO them yourself if you want to.

see like

Jane’s posts don’t … feel different … to me

and yet both you and Jane seem to think there’s a difference

so maybe I’m just really dumb, since I’m not seeing a difference??


do that


NK doesn’t have allies so the ‘trying to get spew’ thing is less applicable

Also, apart from the three people in your wallpost, did you reeval anyone else?
I’ll go back to it later for reasons (and you might’ve already explained your take), so just quote the parts if you did.

Basically skimmed through it because I’m waiting for someone specific.

i checked fol24 (i think it was 24) and jane isn’t acting like they did then

I see.

she was scum in FoL 24

i know.
that’s the point


i reread the latter half of D2 and moved jane/nappy up a bit, but this isnt mentioned in the wallpost at all

i moved seth and italy down a bit because i thought my reasons for TRing them were kind of poor in hindsight (but i still TR them both)

the only issue is that the game was half a year ago

I TR Seth because he claimed self-resolving

fight me

The only thing I’m going to say about Napoleon is that he’s literally BD King – there’s no universe where he randed scum.

But I see. Guess I’ll actually go and re-read it now since I’m still waiting.

i dont TR people strictly off of claims because… im me, i can claim self resolving as a VT (and i have before) so why would i TR someone for doing the same

cult king, but yes hes my highest TR
