SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

4 random numbers 1-5
the number that didn’t roll was the NK
BD as heads, unseen as tails
whichever it landed on, the faction was the opposite


that doesn’t make me less confused

That’s the conclusion I came to as well, which is why she’s in my slight TL’s for now.
Just like I said in this post:

I’ve had only one wolf game so far, being SFV

You mean this?

Because it’s not a question and I re-read it, but I’m still unsure as to what you wanted me to infer from it.

You asked me what I thought of you and I answered

call me insane

but is this a bad or a good look for CRich

i have an opinion that’s rather obvious, but someone else answer

So do I

I suspect we have the same obvious opinion

This is probably a joke though this looks a little out of place from his previous posts.

Unless I’m literally blind I cannot see the post.
Your ISO goes:

And that’s it. I’ve re-read it 3 times now.

By the way you emphasize same, it seems as if everyone SHOULD share your opinion.

i can definitely see the motivation behind that post

/bottom right button

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I mean my reads on App and CRich and Arete


Nappy are you sober.

This is more similar to the way they acted last game.

Actually CRich, I’ll just ask you: How are you planning to approach this game? Any reason you’re being more aggressive again?

alright fine we’re masons

I think its a bad look

this is purely off meta though, which is a bad plan

good plan:

be scum, get scumread, have 1 person not scumread you, then defend your defender

seems scum-oriented

but town also like what appel’s been doing

I like what appel’s been doing

so its not a case of itself but bad look i’d say anyway

okay so everyone i had an amazing idea
what if we actually used chainjai-

the one time i remember chainjailing is a thing that exists it can’t even be done


i’m going to click the bottom right button