SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

can I have NK equity

No no no no, I wasnā€™t implying that you are lying.
I was looking at my post in Allies and confused them because I also made a list of things there.
Like I said donā€™t mind me.

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i donā€™t think anyone is cleared from being NK except like, the vessel, king, and the dead guy

and any self resolvers

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So from this one, I would say:
1 is likely, 2 is dubious because heā€™s a really poor distraction target, 3 is weird for the same reason, 4 is likely but Kat actually hardclaimed the bleed this time.
So Iā€™m inclined to believe him.


well I self resolve(d)

I would have before those other weird posts

just no

Intensify does seem new though

I wouldnā€™t believe it

I really donā€™t like these posts

no, but donā€™t do anything dumb either

I suppose thatā€™s true

I can kind of see that actually, but my gut still says that she could be W/W with CRich.

They canā€™t convert n2 if they convert n1.

It could be a WiFoM tbqh

I would be willing, but if Nappy think I am someone who would kill him then itā€™s probably best he doesnā€™t do that.

Yare Yare Daze

This implicates me or Gaja, but I wouldnā€™t have let CRich get away with what he did

I suppose itā€™s possible

Italy rarely tries as scum, but itā€™s a fair point

I wouldnā€™t quickhammer

I donā€™t like my role, but to give up would be bad for the cult

I know arete has me buddies with CRich

I did in SFoL 60

Thatā€™s a fair point, but do you seriously think I would have let CRich get to this point to begin with?

I wouldnā€™t have


I am here

I donā€™t like this

I get this, but I am having flashbacks to insurgency and I donā€™t like it.

In what world is cheese W/W with CRich. I have Cheese as a TL

I hope you do read it

i do dumb FPSes

hardclaiming a bleed is actively anti-town

i donā€™t think i do anti-town FPSes?

I donā€™t like how easily this wagon has formed on my slot. Doesnā€™t feel a bit too easy? Havenā€™t we learned anything from Insurgency?

I mean come on now this is almost exactly what happened in Insurgency

The thing is ā€“ I donā€™t know.
What I know about you from spectating/playing these two games with you is that you are usually quiet and donā€™t post much.
So I have no clue what your wolfrange is and what you would/wouldnā€™t do if you are one.



There is almost no resistance to it. Doesnā€™t this feel off to anyone?

if seth is healing derps we could have intensify heal me i suppose?

do you think thereā€™s scum on your wagon?

i read it

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This bleed could have come from NK tbh

wouldnā€™t anybody but gaja not let em get away

I will say that my wolf range is similar to my town range tbqh, but you can read SFoL 60 for a recent wolf game I had.

Seth/Intensify should definitely heal different targets tonight.

have you had a wolf game that wasnt sfol60 and that one game eevee bussed you D1