SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

That was quick.
So, any new reads that aren’t nulls? Thoughts on Vulgard/Appel?

No, I was already done when I started posting. What I meant bu the 1000 posts was that “phew, finally I’m done reading through all of this”

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Idk about vulgar, I need to see more
For Appel, despite me voting them up, I think for me they are a null

I see. They are a null for me as well but something tells me that our reasons are vastly different.

Also I just noticed that Amelia actually added SoD/EoD links into the OP.
Thank you Amelia-chan :^)

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I think I’m just ignoring some of Appel’s posts. I’m not even sure why she is PoE tbh.

Ok let me correct my statement
I think I have been ignoring Appel’s posts because I was more focused on deducing CRich so I dont even have an idea as to why she is in PoE

Welp time for TOL, I’ll be back soon

i summon a jane wallpost

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Most of it is done, but I kinda want certain people to be on when I post it.


Votee Voted By Votes Tags
CRichard Italy, clonedcheese 2/8 Anstreim, TheBlueElixir
Appelsiini Jane, ModeShifter, Intensify 3/8 Jane, ModeShifter
an_gorta_pratai SirDerpsAlot, Arete 2/8 x
Jane x 0/8 SirDerpsAlot, Vulgard
Intensify x 0/8 CRichard564
Italy x 0/8 katze
Anstreim x 0/8 Arete
Vulgard Napoleon 1/8 x
ModeShifter Vulgard 1/8 x
TheBlueElixir TheBlueElixir 1/8 x

Are we not good enough for you.


I’m offended.

You should be.

Jane do you like Pizza or Pie?

I want a refund

Post it right meow

You heard that cat!
They want their milk!


I’ll post it if they aren’t back in half an hour, kay?


If it’s me it’s my moms birthday so I’m gonna be around randomly