SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

Why would you care about looking suspicious if you were pretty much widely acknowledged as the Alch by that time?
Do you think people are suspecting you lying about your wincon? Because I’m pretty sure that only a few people theorized about that.

During the first day, for me, it felt like his reasoning for his actions were justified and he even provided proof, which made me feel like this was attempt from scums to myslcnh someone. However, now with more posts, I think CRich is pretty scum at this point.

Scum trying to mislynch someone 1 hour into D1 is uh… a spicy take.

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I want to survive, and in order to do that, not getting lynched during the day is a part of that. The best way for me to not get lynched is to stay very unsuspicoius

I thought the pushing CRich was throughout the entire day 1 though

I’m pretty sure this was referring to TBE. I think you understand by now why I was so suspicious of TBE day 1

I suppose this stance makes sense if you view it through the lens where you thought that some of the posts about “neuts out” and lynching you were genuine.
Also, the best way for you to not get lynched would probably be to cooperate with us and vote together with the town – which I suppose you did, in a way.


Are you on?

but anstreim clearly you’re just bussing crich

Initially, it was myself, Arete and Italy. We noted his tone right off the bat but didn’t really push it much because like I said, I’m not going to judge people off of a few scummy posts.

my dude claim merc, gets bled and then pulls out of neut claim. Uhhh I’m pretty sure that’s justifiable as weird behavior

Sorry, my passion for bussing my scumbuddies 1 hour into SoD is too strong.


Ehhh I guess I could see how that constitutes as weird for someone who has never seen SDA’s plays.
Not that I entirely understand the intent behind his Merc claim either but nonetheless.

idk about this. I guess i was kinda influenced by what SDA was saying at the time. Plus frostwaever isn’t the first thing that appears into my mind when I think who could’ve bled someone.

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is that because you’re the NK? :smirk:

I actually like that explanation from him because it makes sense to me.
He doesn’t seem too invested in the game so not bothering to think through who bled SDA and going off of his own theory looks plausible.

Because he claimed faithful which meant he was working for town and I don’t think an town bleeder would do such a hasty thing. Probably because of TOL but usually when someone claims bleed, they’re pretty much 90% guaranteed BD

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Alright, these more or less make sense to me.
Thank you for elaborating.

Now, I recall you saying that you still have 1k posts to read – you should probably do that. I would be curious to hear your own opinions on people as well.

I already went through the posts