SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

Nah I’ll do it in Jail, you are not Vessel

Because I can convince Nappy, Seth and Vessel all in 1 night

You could also do that in 1 day.

But they are all present in this thread as well.
What is the difference, can you answer me?

is this TWTBAW

intensify is just stalling

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Look, I am trying my best to not get lynched today so that I can convince the most confirmed players in the game, I recommend you find someone else to suspect. I have already claimed and the other players in the PoE have not claimed yet.

This is mildly irritating and I don’t want to get irritated, but I absolutely don’t get why is he doing what he’s doing right now.

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idk whats going on anymore

im confused

nappy said he has everybodys claim


i suspect he’s trying to stall for time

Difference? I am afraid my info could help scum or lean this conversation one sided against someone if Alice made a mistake somewhere. I am not saying Alice is not smart, but I don’t want the entire day just to be against this one person. We need a length discussion

Out it or perish.

it can’t
your info is from a witcher, who is basically just cult chronomancer
who died night one
who was neither jailed nor allied

What time.
He’s clearly advocating for getting jailed, which is a massive waste for us if he’s town.
I have no clue what kind of information he could potentially have that would convince everyone that he’s clear but it doesn’t really help us even if he gets to walk away?
Vessel would be down to 1 Bind Down charge (since they got 1 back from executing CRichard) and there would be no more room for mistakes.
So why can’t he do it now.

Just give me a night to convince Vessel and Nappy plus Seth, how much would it really cost you guys? If I am not dead and Nappy thinks I am evil, lynch me. If I am not dead and Nappy thinks I am good, let me live

Plus if I was MM, I could not convert tonight whatsoever and I would only be able to do it tomorrow night, which in that case just execute me then

The only potential information I could see from Alice is if she visited me and that would implicate Arete but like.
She’s not investigative, she wouldn’t know if she hit Ice Ward or not.

I guess she could theorize that her N1 action saved someone and that’s why we lacked a night kill but other than that?

1 Bind Down charge for our Vessel.
Potentially all of the Vessel’s executes if you are town and fail to convince him.

Well I am sure that I can convince Vessel, they seem to know Alice well enough so I could not possibly fake it all can I?


i get it

they want their N2 convert to give them a convincing message to relay to the vessel
