SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

Cloned I have kind of a weird question

you presumably thought that I was scum last night (given that you were redirecting me) and seemed to think I had Mastermind potential

given that why did you force me to target yourself?

What reason does Italy have to bleed a Merc though as MM?

if you donā€™t believe their claim but want to do a bleed D1 that has a low chance of being healed

derps was a decent candidate for this

the D1 bleed kind of looks good for him but the fact it was the only bleed D1 makes it a lot less clearing than he wants it to be

i feel like that read looks a lot better in context where half of his reads were just echoing the threadstate, including that one

although that extra bit at the end is :eyes:

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Actually this brings me back to the discussion myself and Kat had before:

Not certain how probable this is.

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spoilered for length

Which one of us do you think is scum then?

Towncred, Italy also claimed mauler, so it was a decent look for him



i find it slightly unlikely TBE was attacked n1 due to the whole D1 neut claim



I didnt

If we go back to last night
Who was my top scum?
Well it was crich the nk
no rescue on crich seemed like nk!crich
We had a missing kill last night
Which suggested scum hit crich
Who was pushing crich?
Ans of couse
But would ans be the one to push a DI when a tracker might exist?
A good scumteam would leave the pushing up to the mm instead
If ans was the mm, who was assassin?
Well itā€™s the other scummy one who was similarly quick to lynching crich
So aroot

That was my thought process/tinfoil
Which all came crashing down after crich flip

That last post is sketchy as crap

Hmm ok now what I want to ask is, when SDA was bled, they started accusing Italy of being mauler and Italy said he was not mauler, did Italy have a good reason to do that?

Italy a tiny bit more than u tbh

on a surface level this looks slightly decent for Italy, mostly because CRich is interacting a lot with him (which newbie wolves tend to be scared of)

on a slightly more than surface level CRich is clearly trying to force the interactions to happen, like, all of them are basically just ā€˜oh really, Italy? [useless question that doesnā€™t advance the gamestate]ā€™ which is a worse look

I forgot that Italy did retract the Mauler claim and then claimed it again

Wait what.
When did Italy retract his claim?

He did day 1 when he bled SDA, SDA started accusing him of being mauler and Italy said he was not

Derps accused him d1 and then he said that he wasnā€™t the mauler