SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

wouldn’t that mean CRich was a convert though

and like


You never know with people
Take me as an example

Oh wait

Only 1 n1 death

So not mech impossible but like CRich exists

There are probably no worlds where this is true because CRichard would have to be the N1 convert and I really doubt anyone would willingly convert him. No offense to him.


converting crich would be a power play to be fair


Give this guy a bleed target

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id volunteer to be bled but im probably always getting lynched/jailexed before i’d bleed out anyway

You can bleed me

Ive only got 1 abil left anyway

if anstreim was not SFed he is almost always unseen right now

I wonder if repeated bleed would actually show on you since you were bled before, but I’m not opposed to the idea.

I’d honestly prefer to wolf someone in PoE (like Gorta or Kat) and I think the worst thing you could be is N3 conversion – unless you faked last night’s result.
But so far I’m not seeing any tone or activity shifts which I would probably expect you to have if you were converted.


I’m in favor of SF target outed

Likely wont be anymore converts, and if there will, probably wont matter much

Also ans was warded n1, cant be SF’d

oh, yeah


ans is almost always unseen then imo

Tbh I would totally convert TBE

convert or MM

i dont think hes likely to be unconverted at this point and i still think he has more MM equity than basically everybody else whos alive?

Also I’m still going to wait for Napoleon’s word because this is my last bleed and he’s the only person that can’t be converted, period.

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Go for katze tbh

I like to think if be a pog convert

But seeing as I’ve never been wolf before id probably be terrible

I’m confident in TBE being town-on-N2 based on how he was trying to handle the Bounty (being hyperinsistent on using the bounty printer even after I was mechconfirmed not NK, which doesn’t make sense if the bounty was fake)

I can see N2 convert worlds

bleed me ans-chan UwU