SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

Late in the day


Sorry gorta

There is no world where i convert you

Ill humor Janeā€™s MM me world for a bit

D1 Iā€™m TRā€™d by most, ā€˜obv townā€™, and so thenā€¦then i go convert gorta?


Ill wait for the casse


Where do you think the deaths went?

I was healed, I have a little confidence that I was probably attacked too

Whichā€¦gives some credit to Jane, doesnā€™t itā€¦



That was a stupid question

Since if i was attacked it was probably NK trying to keep the pool open, and Jane is an MM suspect

Also is 5all speculation, so probably not gonna base anything off it

Well, Iā€™ve woken up only to find that there really arenā€™t that many posts to respond to, which is surprising. I guess I will do the ā€œquote ā€“ replyā€ thing again this time.

If my calculations are right, scum should have only 1 bleed left.

-Bleed on SDA came from Italy;
-Bleed on Kat came from scum;
-Bleed on myself came from scum;
-Second bleed on Kat is mine.

Meaning, they probably have 1 charge of dayocc + 1 charge of bleed left.

Gorta healing me could actually be a thing and it would confirm both him and myself (since heā€™d get notified if I wouldnā€™t die, therefore he would know that my bleed would be ā€˜fakeā€™).
Paradox should probably be used on Intensify because like I described above, scum probably has 1 charge of dayocc left (unless they used it on D1 for no reason).

Jane wasnā€™t my first suspect because most attention was on Italy ā€“ who didnā€™t defend himself either. After last night (game night), I spent my time thinking about possible misclears ā€“ thatā€™s where the whole Jane/Gorta/Kat pile comes from.

Except I was the one of the few people saying that I think Appel can still be town since she had some good posts.

And I wasnā€™t around during EoD to CFD from her, not to mention that only two people ever questioned CRichardā€™s attempt to quickhammer her to begin with.

And my suspects were within Italy/yourself on D3, which was a more or less a widespread opinion ā€“ which I expressed dissatisfaction about. Not to mention that the whole reason I tagged/replaced Katā€™s vote on Italy was because at that point of the game I viewed him as possible scum, then got punished for it.

Well, Iā€™m going to be eagerly awaiting it because I think that TBE can only be a N2/N3 conversion at best. Otherwise his play is near suicidal ā€“ proposing bounty on someone as MM isā€¦ A thing? Not to mention that it would make TBE a scum god on his third (fourth?) game, which I guess might be a possibility, but I still doubt it.

On a semi-related note, overnight (irl night) I think I found a tinfoil that would explain Katā€™s play during D3 and the reason he can still be NK, but I want to wait for his presence.

Last but not least, imo this is where we are standing PoE-wise (this is derived from a combination of mechanical information and social reads):
MM candidates:
NK candidates:
Kat, Gorta;
Convert candidates:
Cloned, TBE, Kat.

The fact that there are up to 3 unseen and 1 NK still alive is honestly making me uneasy.

Oh and from this, Kat can obviously only be a N1 conversion.
Since Brotherhood + Empower from Vulgard happened on N2 iirc (for some reason I kept thinking it was Ice Ward, but it wasnā€™t).
And he was jailed last night.

except heā€™d be told the next night, not the night of delaying you

wait no longer

my holiness is here

My ego is so large

Randomizer(replace in for a day and a half)
SFoL 61.0

you are effectively a wildcard since you have yet to be a :joy_cat:

converting obvious town is both obvious and logical


I mean

If you think Iā€™m scoom

On one hand thank you for thinking my scum game is so glorious

On the other hand my town play isnā€™t that bad

Could you give me your thoughts on the threadstate/current PoE? Because Iā€™m still not confident in this whatsoever.
Also, I think thereā€™s probably a moderate chance you could be attacked (and therefore saved) from death last night.

So, throwback to the whole ā€œJane Dazzles X, I redirect them to Intensifyā€.
My tinfoil is that thereā€™s a scenario where you could be an Arbiter, and instead of redirecting Janeā€™s Dazzle, you could just use:

Which would:
-Confirm yourself if done at a proper time;
-Potentially damn Jane if done at improper time.

Furthermore, this might be confbias but you already talked about this precise scenario before which is a part of why I even remembered about it, here:

Obviously this would require perfect timing, but ehā€¦ After seeing Napoleon faking Bounty and taking it to L-1, combined with the knowledge that you are an actually experienced player ā€“ I wouldnā€™t put it past you.
That would also explain the reason we were missing kills with you in jail, and that would explain your mindset/interactions with CRichard during this game ā€“ because I donā€™t think thereā€™s a world where you are ever starting groupscum, period.


Besides, it also fits with the world where you are convert, but that would require you to know beforehead that Intensify wouldnā€™t be lynched on D3.
Which isā€¦ I guess possible, but also a bit less likely.


I made a readslist last night that i posted

But I said the misclear zone was likely kat/Jane/Cheese and it cant be cheese so now Iā€™m at kat/Jane and now thatā€™s no longer a spicy opinion




I hate how much of this is mech but yeah

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Also wait I thought the notification was instant.
Well, he could in theory be confirmed if he heals me alone (and Seth doesnā€™t) while Jane flirts me ā€“ so in case I die he dies next, but yeah.

Also why are we clearing on the potential to self resolve

Like, only Witcher/rit/bloodletter cant self resolve, so scum are going to claim that 90% of the time

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This applies to me too

I donā€™t think we are ā€˜clearingā€™ people, we are justā€¦ taking this into account. Mech info is useful as a supplement to our general reads.

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ā€˜Thatā€™ refers to classes that can self resolve, at least in some way

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the tinfoil certainly makes sense

but in the case that im arbiter, that means that

  • N2 had a missing kill or i chose to not use my free extra kill for some reason
  • i told the king and TBE who i thought the vessel was on N2 as the NK instead of just stabbing them
  • i fakeclaimed puppeter with no knowledge of a high priestess existing to ā€œconfirmā€ myself
  • id highly risk putting myself in a guaranteed 2 person arbiter PoE between me and jane if i messed up

well, me being a N1 convert would also make me killing the king who i thought the vessel was on N2 a bit less absurd, but i still think iā€™d hide omit the fact that i was 90% sure jane was the vessel on N2

either way, i think itā€™s pretty fucking obvious im not the MM and the MM is optimally who we want to lynch today/jailexe tonight