SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

Because he claimed neut and it seemed basically credible

Also his initial reaction to the bleed makes the most sense from a perspective of actually being a neut (he only rescinded his neut claim later)

Combination of opener, tone, and some interactions ā€“ for one, him questioning my take on Gorta reminded me the same thing you did in the first game. Thereā€™s also the fact that heā€™s doing very similar things to last game.
I briefly considered that he might be doing it on purpose:

But after talking with him more today, I donā€™t think so. Here are a few posts that I liked from him:

And not in a ā€œlook at the content here, it screams townā€ way, itā€™s in a ā€œI donā€™t really think he has to (and would) do this as scumā€ way.

The first one is also how Iā€™ve been feeling this whole day ā€“ Iā€™m somewhat wary of the fact that most of the people who have actually posted today ended up in my TRā€™s. Besides, thereā€™s also the factor that if heā€™s groupscum, he would be reducing his list of people to push on. This could still come from Neut PoV but like I said before I donā€™t think heā€™s a Neutral either.

Second post reads genuine, though obviously not unfakeable ā€“ I just think that scum Kat would approach it differently if he wanted to fake being concerned about TBE.

And third one just displays the same genuine concern to me.

Last things last: judging by the spreadsheet, only 3 people (including myself) TL/TR Kat.

Also hello Arete.

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I donā€™t TL you anymore because you donā€™t share my opinion


We donā€™t share opinions. Do you think Iā€™m EK who is powerwolfing rn?

No, for numerous reasons.
One of which is your GT RT on me.

i guess the answer is no

cause i feel like ive been a lot less serious in the past few hours than i was earlier

whichā€¦ is normal for me

maybe im overthinking it because im tired

but im thinking less because im tired

this has been a coherent thought process by katze

I noticed it while ISOing you since thereā€™s a clear contrast with your SoD but like you said you are you, so it didnā€™t really catch my attention.

Iā€™m the lord of potato wording.


guess everyone in the game is scum because no one has exactly my opinions

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Hmm right off the top of my head

Town: Anstreim, Arete, Napoleon, Appelsiini, SDA, Seth
Null: TBE, CRich (slight V), everyone else

SDA didnā€™t share my opinions last game. He was wolf!

why is TBE not town anymore

hes claiming a neut maybe

Mind explaining this?

also why did you call out two of your nulls by name while having the rest of them just be ā€˜everybody elseā€™

Also if this is ordered, Iā€™m completely baffled by your progression on me because I recall you saying Iā€™m a nulltown for you some posts above, and now Iā€™m suddenly at the top of your list?

you are arete are next to eachother naturally and hes not his own top townread

its prob not ordered, mostly due to the latter point

Or maybe that whole readlist is just fake and is yet another RT.

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i just got FPSed

I tried posting a gut read list and this is just what came up
