SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!


How do we get 3 bleed claims D1? Derps, TBE and Napoleon are claiming bleeding.

I thought you would be the one to RT with purpose of all people.
But if you were actually bled then thatā€™s a really suboptimal bleed that reminds me of last FoL.

Hey CRichard why did you bleed me

shit wrong button sorry nappy

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Okay like I think whoever bled me likely knew it was an RT the first time

Are you hardclaiming the bleed now.

Like itā€™s kind of humorous to bleed someone for real after they claim itā€™s an RT

Thinking itā€™s katze, Ans, or CRich here.

if youā€™re serious then wtf

but like

i still donā€™t think you are

Or it might be a lurker

guess ill reeval ans tonight too if i get around to that

unless you retract the claim

This is probably another one of Napoleonā€™s RTs again. Though I can imagine a world where he is real bleeding and it is an RT at the same time.

But think about it, I do an RT, and then Iā€™m actually bled like right away afterwards

Do you honestly think that I would consider bleeding you, on D1 no less?
This would be an atrocious play and a massive waste. Not only you would probably get healed since you seem to be widely TRā€™d, even if you wouldnā€™t ā€“ it would achieve basically nothing.
Youā€™d still have time to SF + Guard whoever you wanted to.

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If Alice did it, anyone could

Besides from my ToL experience, I find bleeding people D2 or this case D1 stupid because all it does is confirm healers.

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Still a massive waste in my eyes.
If I was scum Iā€™d be saving my bleeds for priority targets, or to pull healers off of people who I donā€™t want healed.

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Okay I retract, itā€™s an RT

I wonā€™t RT about bleeds again though, I donā€™t want to become the boy who cried wolf.

TBE rescinded

Ans is very likely not groupscum