SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

normally I would say that the people being like ‘this was an obvious RT’ had TMI but (a) that was an obvious RT, (b) those people are everyone in the thread

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He immediately goes to logic to defend himself assuming the bleed is actually real

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my plan for this in-game night is to tell myself that I’m going to re-read and reevaluate and then probably not actually do that because I’m kind of fundamentally inadequate :^)

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Or maybe he just knew it was an RT idk

Replacing Arete for Anstreim.

IDK this doesn’t feel crafted though, it came out quickly, and feels genuine.

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Do you think SDA’s bleed is real, btw? Because I think it is, and it basically has to come from town.
Groupscum doesn’t have a lot of reasons to bleed a Mercenary claim on D1 – deducing and converting one of the targets would basically add a free scum member to their team. Not to mention that SG doesn’t prevent conversion visits.
Frostweaver has two charges of bleed but the logic is basically the same. Why would NK bleed a Neutral claim, especially when that Neutral claim could be suspected of being scum/NK later in the game.
Meaning it most likely comes from town but I’d still view it as somewhat of a waste, although I suppose one could argue about replenishing it through a trial?

You aren’t inadequate.
And I think it’s still possible to determine people’s alignments through discussion/interactions and not just reevaluation. I’ll still try to form my opinions overnight, but it doesn’t mean you have to.

reading down rn but i should probably tell nappy that using grand trial day 1 will consume the use but not actually start a trial

or execute isn’t an option

i’m not 100% sure how it works but it can’t be used for the epic gamer day 1 lynch

Wait actually?


I already used it.

I think it is real and that it comes from town (he seemed genuinely annoyed about being bled)

the only motivation I see for scum to bleed a Merc claim is if they’re setting up a Mauler claim and in general that’s a suboptimal use of potential KP

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I wasn’t quite ‘defending’ myself, I was just pointing out that I think it’s not a good play in any capacity.
Still would probably never do it if I was scum though.

I don’t really care your reaction was just townie.

i literally just said i was reading down how slow do you think i read

Actually Nappy I have a question for you.
Would you ever consider bleeding the King on D1?

I stand corrected.

Yes but I would probably not go with it.

I’d do it for court confusion like Alice did in FoL27

I think there are way more effective ways to sow chaos in the court without wasting your KP, but I guess I could see a world where this makes sense.

I… didn’t expect d1 in a 16p FoL to have 2.1k+ posts.

I’m a bit busy rn, so I’ll read everything overnight.