SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

You tricky guy you.

CRich, Nappy, TBE, SDA and Apell

It honestly feels to me like you havenā€™t fully read the thread because there at least two people who have been acting quite towny in my eyes, + like I mentioned there are the other two.
Like, the whole purpose of readlists is to show your reads and form opinions on nulls.
A readlist full of nulls is basically useless because it expresses no opinions whatsoever.

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If I was evil, I would want to figure out if you were too.
Then Iā€™d puppet you.


Which posts felt off, and which ones made you think they could actually be town?

Wellā€¦ I guess
I did go through the entire thread, but I didnā€™t exactly pay attention to everything everyone said, cause then I would never get through the entire thread

Which Post of Areteā€™s reeks of scum?

I have like 5 minutes to explain this, so I guess Iā€™ll explain a couple

This is a Townie Response.

For BTE, he claim faithful alch, which feels off to me. Any evil or evil alch would probably claim faithful so town would favor them more, but then he was bled by evils so IDK

He later rescinded his bleed claim

Does that affect your read on him

It took me 3-4 hours to go through the thread

Iā€™ve been reading through Katzeā€™s ISO. After sifting through her meme claims and her usual jokey nature, she seems to be relaxed about this game which gives me village pings on her slot.

For CRich
His responses are very aggressive once we started to conclude he was scum. On one hand, this feels like the desperation of a wolf trying to defend himself from being night 1 jail exed, but then on the other hand, he might just be town trying to defend himself. A lot of people also seemed to push on him a lot, which seemed odd to me

He rescinded his bleed? Uhh well then, I guess I slightly SL him a bit

Intensify if youā€™ve read through my games, youā€™d know I have a history of being aggressive when being pushed. Shall I refer you to ToS 2 so you know what Iā€™m talking about?

Nappy, at first was very passive or townish, as he wasnā€™t very aggressive as he was from last game, which indicates to me that passive Nappy might be town, but then he laters gets more aggressive

For a more recent example, see SFoL 61 when TBE claimed to red check me as Unseen.

For SDA, I donā€™t even know to be honest. Heā€™s a weird case to me. Heā€™s probably merc thoughā€¦