SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!


Why do you think Ans is claiming to have the result that you visited Alice?

why does this make sense
why would alice dying implicate you, if you donā€™t know that alice is dying that night

to TBE, the person i replied to

carry on

@clonedcheese did you no action last night yes or no

No I donā€™t think you would. Youā€™ve been suspicious of my slot for a while and you wonā€™t be quick to believe a word Iā€™m saying.


i did not

I donā€™t buy it. Alice explicitly said that she was going to tryhard at the start of the game, and she started scumleaning you and Appel right off the bat.
My result tells me what you visited her and sheā€™s pretty clearly dead. So if you didnā€™t visit Alice ā€“ who did you visit?

ok that was ambiguous as hell

I no actioned last night

cool so

cloned left his room last night

Alice is a good player and would have asked questions regarding me had she been more active.
Her death makes it look like that she scum read me and that her death followed as a result.

So give me an actual answer instead of replying with something that contains literally no information.

nice RT

Forum isnā€™t showing replies again.


fuck i hate being katze

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Votee Voted By Votes Tags
CRichard Anstreim, Napoleon 2/8 Anstreim, TheBlueElixir

And yes Nappy I already did that.

cloned left his room last night


Iā€™m able to clear myself of being Aliceā€™s killer by outing my visit N1.

Is your visit confirmable

I fail to see how outing your supposed visit would ā€˜clearā€™ you unless you have some sort of mechanical information to back it up.
So out it.


you know i really wouldā€™ve liked being able to tag crich