SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

not at all hot take: this isnt a RT because if it was i don’t think anstreim would be fishing for crichs claim/night action

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On second thought we probably should have asked him who he visited first.

I visited Kat last night. Someone probably swapped Kat with Alice or this is a fake result from Ans.

I don’t care about his claim or his night action.
I’m asking who he visited and if his visit is confirmable via mech, because my information is telling me that he visited Alice.

will this be two games in a row scum fakeclaim visiting me

Well, too late for that.
I get impatient when I’m tired and this has been a long day.

but it’s not a fakeclaim /convert katze

Do you realize that Investigatives are notified if they are redirected or occupied?
I was not redirected or occupied last night.

er, i guess not in a row cause 61.0 happened

as if :frowning:

I think he’s saying that he could have been redirected

in a hypothetical situation where he visited me and was redirected to alice

that means
(im using FoL BD terms cause im lazy)
A. a drunk redirected him to alice
B. a tavernkeep bus drove alice and me

and i don’t know which is more likely

i don’t think bus driving myself and alice makes sense in… any world?

ans wasn’t red.

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ans visited crichard, not alice

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@CRichard564 Does this mean you are claiming a Killer? Or are you claiming that someone was supposedly trying to kill Kat?
Because this looks like a massive amount of hoops to jump through to even entertain the possibility of this.
Also, I find it very curious that your first thought of me accusing you isn’t “I might be framed” or “Anstreim might be Scorned/whatever”, your first thought is that someone swapped Kat and Alice?

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oh whoopsies

also im doing other stuff while playing so everything I say is a pop in :sunglasses:

Unless Ans is faking a red check on me, there is no world where I’d think of visiting Alice.

Hmm I see now.


/vote CRichard564

i really doubt hes faking this

for the record

I have mechanical information indicating that no one other than me successfully visited Ans last night

but also invests know if they’re redirected, so

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