SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

For whatever reason

it cant kill anyone lategame?

they shouldnā€™t be killed here

I dont think they shouldā€™ve been bled

but it could be handy to prove mode if nothing else could

alas this thought has a lot of flaws

You are if your scum

Do you live tonight without a Heal or do you need Heal tonight?


unless its a frostweaver game ill live


Iā€™ll heal Derps then.

If itā€™s a frost weaver game Iā€™ll vote Derps from spite.

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I went to get some food only to come to this:

So this is the second bleed of the game and this always has to come from scum?
If a Mauler bled SDA on D1, then they would have no more bleed charges.
If Frostweaver bled SDA, then he wouldā€™ve died but we donā€™t know if he was healed.

So this is always a groupscum/NK bleed if itā€™s real. The thing I donā€™t understand is: why bleed you and why bleed you now.
There are many targets that would be much, much better.

Do you understand what this means?

It could mean multiple things IMO.

Look at the first thing I said in Allies.
In the very bottom.

how much did you do in allies

the first post you mean?

thats perplexing to me, too

i donā€™t think im at all the optimal bleed

Quite a bit, it was a productive night.
But Nappy should get why I think this is scum bleed 99% of the time.

you guys do realize that we could have more than one

Yeah this is probably scum bleed.

(but yes, almost certainly a scum bleed)


For one, you seem to be a NK candidate for a few people. Bleeding you more or less removes suspicion from you ā€“ and this is more than just ā€œsuboptimalā€ bleed, this is an actively terrible bleed.
So why were you bled.

  1. Newbscum wasting bleeds.
  2. A distraction to attack someone else
  3. A bleed with an intent to kill (which would suggest Frostweaver as the NK)