SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

I suppose I did make some reads earlier, but yeah not really much else

I know, but thatā€™s why I think they are capable

what do you think of appeL?

aretes definitely a capable wolf/nk donā€™t get me wrong

but i donā€™t think youā€™re pointing out the right games is all :wink:

Me? I suppose my gut can be wrong, but I will always have that feeling in the back of my head. I think you know what my gut says

Iā€™m worried about that because Alice almost always has logs but she wasnā€™t really that invested into this game

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ā€˜im going to tryhard this gameā€™

admittedly it was followed by a lack of tryharding but eh

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I could see Alice having no logs due to low activity, but at the same time I think what TBE is suggesting is very possible

Which is why Iā€™m wondering if she actually didnā€™t leave any logs because she didnā€™t care about the game much, or if that bleed on Kat always comes from groupscum ā€“ because it makes very little sense otherwise.

@apostles ask alice why her logs are empty and if sheā€™s actually a witcher

or just revive her

thats uh, an option

Reviving her would probably be the ideal play.


link w/ me plz

i feel like a mind flayer wasting their 2nd ability on N1 doesnt actually make much sense since the chance of an apostle spawning to completely negate it is like, not incredibly unreasonable?

im not going to keep on with this theory

gorta, do you think CRich is a better lynch or jailaxe?

ā€¦and i also kinda think its a frostweaver game anyway.

guess thereā€™s decent chances i find out tonight if i die

@anon6348071 if you want my non Appel reads

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So you think these reads of yours are AI, right? Or are you just showing me that you have reads to begin with?


I do not affiliate with untamed dogs

itā€™s going to turn out that the team is CRich/Gaja and weā€™re going to spend like three days not doing anything about it because ā€˜we canā€™t lynch a zero-posterā€™