SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

Doubtful. There are several ways to remove someone without lynching/Prince executing them.

this isnt true

theres probably a convert

Reviving Alice has a chance to go very bad as well. This is prime scum real estate

I kind of think they are

We can solve this without Alice.

That would require:

  1. For scum to fail conversion N1;
  2. For scum to hit precisely the Apostle tonight.

Which I don’t really think is that likely.

that requires apostle to be the n1 or n2 convert

What are the chances that they get another convert later on?

So you are saying there are at least certain things that you wouldn’t be able to fake in your current readlists?

If Apostle is the N1 convert then they don’t really have a reason to revive anyone, no? They can just switch their claim and stay silent.

Uh… I fail to see how this is related since the best play here would probably to revive Alice tonight.

I mean, I could probably fake it, but I don’t really fake it much as scum. I wouldn’t have said Cheese is likely town if I was scum because lolLHF

lets say Amelia is the apostle

Amelia rezing Alice n2

Amelia converted n3

p sure Alice is also converted n3

If they did convert the Apostle late game they would have 2 powerful allies late game and that would completely screw us over.

I thought that conversion wouldn’t influence an already resurrected person with that wording. I never said I’m smart.

third sentence

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Do you see what I mean now?

so the way to avoid that is rez the vessel

but that’s a conditional - vessel has to die first

Yeah, I’m just illiterate.
But in this case they always have to save that resurrection for the Vessel, if we are fearing converts.

It’s probably better to just talk with Alice tonight if we have one, then.

id say ask Alice

also even if Alice is converted she’d probably just say if she was WoI’d

i dont think a corpse can be converted, although she could be starting groupscum