SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

It would be optimal for scum to convert the apostle and then gain two strong allies later on, which is why I think it would be wiser to let the apostle just talk with her overnight.

Read the class card again, corpse in the graveyard gets converted with the Apostle.


i meant in this context

it sounds like TBE meant to just ask her in dead chat

not actually revive her


Apparently Iā€™m not the only person who cannot read here :^)

alright i misunderstood what TBE said

i thought he meant ā€œtalk to her in dead chatā€ not revive

i know how to read classcards just not what people are saying

what I meant was

ask Alice in dead chat whether she should be revived

looking back its a bad plan

yeah i thought you just meant to ask if her flip was true

I will be back later, hopefully I can get back before the day ends, but I possibly have something to do

Yeah, just talk with her and ask her if she actually had logs before she died.
Thatā€™s it.

the day ends in over 24h

so gl

also make sure to write logs before EoD, even if they just say, ā€˜logsā€™

converting the puppet isnā€™t actually that big a deal because itā€™s just their voice that gets revived, they share a single vote with the Apostle and they donā€™t have abilities

like obviously it would be better to avoid it but

wait is it really just their voice

okay but converted alice is scary


wow imagine that

is just voice

thatā€™s how it works in FoL and Iā€™m pretty sure the wording is the same here

The wording is different though.

scum apostle can just rez Alice and not claim apostle


I think itd be better if the theoretical apostle in question didnā€™t rez yet

hope they dont die