SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

im town


if we have ans tag someone and die we can prove gorta

but im not sure we’re able to risk that so Im going to think


so I can’t win even more

what even are ya?

You hit my N2 Bear – that’s where your nonsensical pushes and theories of me being MM come from. Start lolcatting.

No one, because I’m not the MM and never was.


are you confident Ans is Mastermind as opposed to convert, I might seriously consider siding with you here if you make a good enough case


and probably the last living non-King town :upside_down_face:

So Seth is unseen aligned? This is really bad


2 Unseen/NK/Evil neut


/vote Seth

I already tagged Kat and I’m ready to die on this hill.
He’s NK.


seth openwolfed in allies

then nappy openwolfed in allies

then I thought it was an RT for seth, so I openwolf with nappy

then nappy starts interrogating me

I reveal it to be what I thought it was

then nappy reveals that that was an RT too

if seth is unseen aligned then unseen have 4 votes

we need to quickhammer an unseen before seth comes online

I wish

Could we stop the kills?

I kinda messed it up you’ll see why after game

Votee Voters Votes Tags
katze Anstreim 1/4 Anstreim, Arete
an_gorta_pratai x 0/4 katze
Anstreim katze 1/4 x
ModeShifter Napoleon 1/4 x

Why didn’t you ally Intensify with someone to begin with?

If it risks NK winning, yeah we can stop Unseen kill

mechanically the MM can only be anstreim or TBE

do you think its TBE