SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!


I donā€™t have crap and you probably donā€™t either @Napoleon

Because we had all the claims and I thought it would be more useful looking at other slots

why canā€™t it be Gorta

bearing in mind that as far as Iā€™m concerned youā€™re outed NK

Walk me through your genius mechanics, Arbiter.

/vote Ans

Actually we canā€™t win in any way nvm

in a world where i was theoretically NK it could also be gorta

Lynch an Unseen

for fucks sake

i donā€™t care anymore

yeah it can be gorta

I mean

at least game didnā€™t end at SoD

quickhammer Ans

i genuinely donā€™t know why im alive and i donā€™t really have the will to be alive

arete do whatever you want

we might be able to brave the night

But Intensify is literally the only other player aside from yourself and Seth that cannot be converted.
Napoleon why.

snapvote in lylo snapvote in lylo snapvote in lylo snapvote in lylo snapvote in lylo snapvote in lylo snapvote in lylo snapvote in lylo snapvote in lylo snapvote in lylo snapvote in lylo snapvote in lylo snapvote in lylo snapvote in lylo snapvote in lylo snapvote in lylo snapvote in lylo snapvote in lylo snapvote in lylo snapvote in lylo snapvote in lylo snapvote in lylo snapvote in lylo snapvote in lylo snapvote in lylo snapvote in lylo snapvote in lylo snapvote in lylo

Votee Voters Votes Tags
katze Anstreim 1/4 Anstreim, Arete
an_gorta_pratai katze 1/4 katze
Anstreim an_gorta_pratai 1/4 an_gorta_pratai
ModeShifter Napoleon 1/4 x

Gorta is probably MM then

there are way more worlds where a Mastermind tries to quickhammer a convert then where a convert tries to quickhammer the Mastermind


/vote gorta

sure ill get a HH