SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!


I wish I bled out but Iā€™m going to post my last nightā€™s logs since this is obviously going nowhere.

My thoughts since Iā€™m probably bleeding out:

Kat is the Arbiter. It was obvious the moment he started unravelling after I brought up a theory about him faking Puppeteer by reducing votes on Intensifyā€™s lynch. ISO me for more detailed explanation (character limit).

If Intensify for some reason didnā€™t execute Kat last night, HANG HIM IMMEDIATELY.

Also, with Janeā€™s lynch we know that Arete/Cloned mechanically cannot be MM from their logs, which means that one within TBE/Gorta has to be the actual MM?
I still really doubt that itā€™s TBE, even though some of his comments on last day were meh ā€“ which would point to Gorta?

Lastly, Napoleon, thereā€™s a very high probability that if scum get two kills together with me bleeding out, you will be forced into using a GT.
In this case I think the GT target is always Gorta, with converts being within the other 3.

If you correctly GT someone and WIFOM heals with Seth this should be winnable.





im lost as to whats happening

why are we quickhammering

donā€™t put anyone on L-1 unless weā€™re 100 percent confident, if we put anyone on L-1 then the Arbiter can Arbiter them

I am not the MM

I am trying to help you

And this just confirms my theory that you were miscleared.
I shouldā€™ve just not Beared N2.

you healed ans right

Ans is the MM and we need an unseen out

Because Kat the Arbiter is trying to fearmonger the court into hanging me.
And you/Gorta/Arete are probably all Unseen now.

I mean

im not unseen

but thatā€™s cool


arete who do you think is MM

Do you think Blue is the MM?

in terms of ā€˜people who let CRichard do what they did D2ā€™ i think gorta fits that bill

in terms of ā€˜people who could have bussed CRichard D2 for towncredā€™ then its anstreim every day

ā€¦I just said I thought you were


arete: gorta is probably MM

gorta: do you think Blue is the MM

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If you are actually town then you should never be voting on wagons that have 2 votes on them since Kat probably has another use of

Katze is the NK, Nappy is the cult king, Seth is unseen aligned Senex, Arete is possibly SFā€™d, so that leaves Ans and TBE

/vote gorta

this is the way

im not snapvoting bud

but I do think your a likely convert and kat is actually nk

guess we find out