SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

He was towny for most of the game. He was obvious wolf on Day 5

ill let you hammer once you have allies settled

smh i told you in n2 allies that he bussed crichard

And he tried to convert you N1 katze

I was saying someone was miscleared this whole game

i know they did

it was obvious by what crichard said

I didn’t imagine he would Dirty Work but that’s the only explanation

It’s over after katze gets lynched

anyway RT over im actually puppeteer

using science i can determine that nappy is EK

you spelt it right



have to go do things with my family for a bit

be back soon

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Your last words, now!

end me

fucking do it


this game was way too much fucking stress for me

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say something funny

You have 9 lives, which life is this?

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my play this game

hopefully the last one