SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

/vote katze

Bye bye


Silence! Thatā€™s hammer!

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Final vote count

Votee Voters Votes Tags
TheBlueElixir x 0/4 katze
katze Arete, an_gorta_pratai, katze, Napoleon 4/4 Arete, an_gorta_pratai
an_gorta_pratai ModeShifter 1/4 TheBlueElixir, Modeshifter

ā€œItā€™s clear who our enemy is!ā€ Shouts Arete. The court agrees. All of them point towards Katze, who doesnā€™t really seem surprised. In fact, they let out an almost crazed laugh.

ā€œWhat do you mean? I have revealed as The Senex!ā€ Katze exclaims.

The court looks in confusion. The Archdeacon shouts to execute her.

Arete walks up to katze, and tears off her maskā€¦ to reveal cat ears?

ā€œYes indeed! I am an Imperialist of the Feline Empire!ā€ Shouts katze.

At this point, everyone has had enough. Arete reveals a golden sword they had confiscated from katze earlier. ā€œAny last words?ā€

ā€œArete, youā€™re the biggest nerd-ā€œ Katze is cut off by Arete stabbing them in the heart after hearing that accursed word. Sheā€™s dead.

katze has been executed by the court! She wasā€¦

The Arbiter :shield: :fire:

Neutral Killer
Last of a Dynasty (Passive) - You are immune to occupation, redirection, bleeding and death, and will be informed if someone tries to bleed you. Additionally, votes for you to become the next archdeacon are doubled.
Imperial Providence (Day) - If there is an Archdeacon nomination tomorrow, only your vote will count for it. 1 use
Sword of Damocles (Day) - Silently make a player require 2 less votes to be sacrificed today. If 7 or less players are alive, make them require 1 less vote. 2 uses :crown:
Championā€™s Slash (Night) - Attack a player with the Sword of Damocles. This will bypass any form of visit prevention. Infinite uses :crown:
Imperial Judgement (Night) - Attack two players tonight, bypassing visit prevention. Only usable if a member of the Cult was sacrificed yesterday. 2 uses :crown:

Survive to the final 4 players while the evil faction cannot sacrifice you on their own.


Hermana, no!
Ā”El horror! Ā”ĀæDonde esta ella?!
Ella ha fallado, pero no lo harƩ.

Los matarƩ a todos por ti, hermana.
En memoria.

You all hear a booming voice from up above . . .

ā€œThe Heavens have confirmed @katze to be The Senex!ā€

you fools, it was in front of you all along

everybody knows NK isnt supposed to win anyway

obligatory cat pictures

PS: what if you wanted to win with NK
but you rolled probably the worst NK and missed your free nightkill :sunglasses:
but hey at least i infiltrated towncore i think? too many mechanical confirms but i did my best with what i got! :heart:
PSS: D3 killed my WiM and then cheese buried it by jailing me instead of gorta :upside_down_face: and then it got double buried when 0 night kills happened :slight_smile:
PSSS: i was going to selfhammer myself with sword of damocles but it apparently canā€™t self target so fuck that
PSSSS: sorry for being really irritable on D4, my best friend lost a friend to covid and its been kinda weighing down on me too since i also knew them a bit

Day 6 has ended and Night 6 will now begin. It will end at 2020-06-06T01:48:00Z. Deadline for action submissions is an hour before night end. If everyone unanimously agrees in their class card, I will allow a nightskip.


The deadline for submitting night actions has been reached and they will now be processed.

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Actions are locked, and shall be processed

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host mindmeld

ā€œWe need to escape.ā€ Marshal tells Amelia. Both of them can feel it. Impending doom.

ā€œBut thereā€™s guards everywhere! Even moreso than usual! We canā€™t get out!ā€ Amelia responds. Both of them stare for a moment, then simply decide to bide their time and head to the court room.

The Archdeacon is dead. The duo found him slumped over on his throne. Shortly after this happens, the four remaining court members arrive. After they gather around the table, ModeShifter whispers something in Areteā€™s ear, and they nod in response.

ā€œWhat are you two whispering about?ā€ TheBlueElixir asks. Arete simply smiles.

ā€œThe day has finally come. All of our hard work has paid off!ā€

Upon shouting these words, Arete casts Shock on TBE, paralyzing him. They run up to him, tackle him onto the floor, and repeatedly stab him with a dagger, killing him. Upon seeing such a sight, gorta realizes that he is outnumbered, and attempts to run.

ā€œOh no you donā€™t, filthy Cultist!ā€ Arete conjures a Wall of Fire in the courtroom, preventing escape. They slowly unsheath the Sword of Damocles, stolen from katze, and approach gorta.

ā€œAny last words?ā€

Gorta begins to open his mouth, perhaps to cast a spell? Whatever it was, Arete slashes at his neck with the sword, silencing him forever.

ā€œAnstreimā€¦ Crichardā€¦ Are you proud of me?ā€

Napoleon was killed during the night! He wasā€¦

The Devout Archdeacon :shield: :fire: :crown:

Cult Special
Another Rises (Passive) - If you die, there will be a vote to nominate a new archdeacon. If you are sacrificed during the day, Unparalleled Devotion is permanently disabled.
Tenacity (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection. Your abilities do not count as visits. You can use both day abilities in the same day.
Grand Ritual (Day) - Instantly put a player on trial for high treason, they will have 12 hours to defend themself, possibly extending day. After this, everyone will have 12 hours to discuss and decide their fate, the day will end if execute is chosen but with proceed as normal if pardon is chosen. 1 use
Private Sermon (Day) - Choose two players who will share a night chat with you tonight. This ability cannot be stopped in any way. Infinite uses
Devoted Guards (Night) - Send a guard to protect a player, making them Death Immune tonight. 3 uses :crown:
Scepter of Clarity (Night) - Make a player permanently conversion immune. 1 use (Starting Devout Archdeacon only)

Defeat the Blue Dragon and Unseen as well as any neutrals who would oppose you.


N1: Allies Anstreim and SDA / Clarity Arete

Pretty convinced that Anstreim is town. SDA is probably town. Iā€™m ride or die on Anstreim. SDA is probably town. We planned a RT on CRichard, and Anstreim executed it well.

N2: Allies katze and TBE / Guarding da Pronce!

Pretty sure katze is town, he wouldnā€™t do some of the things he did in Allies chat. TBE is pretty much town. TBE claimed High Priestess and I think Iā€™ll keep katzeā€™s claim secret for now. There are someā€¦ interesting things that I talked about.

N3: Guard Intensify

N4: Nothing (forgot to Night action but was thinking of not going anything anyways) | Also Seth openwolfed.

N5: Guard Arete (canā€™t be there for SoD) / No Allies

crown TBE

The Unseen and Senex together have achieved parity with the Cult!

The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!




yes do that

imagine getting called the convert since d2 and still living till the end unconverted

hello is anyone here

can we nab the spreadsheet


that is all

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You are the best thing that happened to me in this game.
Every single word I said on that final day rings true.

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This isnā€™t how I wanted the Blue Dragon to fall.

I felt, as much as anyone, how the Blue Dragon bore down on all of us, crushing the life and spirit of everyone in the kingdom save a few nobles. When rumors of a Cult in Adiart first arose I was curious and hopeful, offering daily prayers to Mithras and Corax, fed with the strength of my magic, that they might deliver us into a new world free from the Kingā€™s dictates.

Yet many seasons have passed since the Cult declared its final victory over the Blue Dragon, but still I look around the kingdom ā€“ around my kingdom ā€“ to see innocent people suffering under the draconian pressure of a dictator that no one dares to challenge. My prayers to Corax and Mithras have gone unanswered, and on my darkest nights I question whether they even exist to hear my cries.

I know to you it must appear as if I am a murderer, striking down our Vessel, our Puppeteer, and our Archdeacon without so much as hesitating, and leaving them to die rather than performing the rituals of a proper sacrifice. But in doing so, I am ushering in a better future ā€“ a future where all have the freedom of choice to shape the future, rather than laboring

I hope that those few of you who remain can join me.


oh dang

I see how it is


You were legitimately one of my favorite wolf partners ever

I mangled the grammar of that sentence but

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GG nerds

spec chats no public

Scum chat no publix

dead chat is public. Inviting aroot.

what happened to Janeā€™s s/s check
