SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

you’re redchecked this isnt an FPS

red as in “scum” or red as in “my rolecard is red” :^)

Wait fuck

I’m gonna be one one of the people who gets invested early now aren’t I dang

Rip to my scum game

I have a Teal-check on you. (This is funnier in dutch.)

Do my posts feel “off” to you compared to the previous game?

I don’t think activity is AI for most people. I just want to hear her thoughts on the game right now.

I think from the games where I’ve spectated I basically read you based on mechanics.
And in a certain other game I gave up on reading you entirely and went with the flow – later it turned out that you were scum.

if i slanked the rest of the game how would you feel

I’m a decent deep wolf but I’m a garbage power wolf

Ironically that was the game where certain someone tried to read you on meta.

I know what game you’re talking about and I was correct on them :wink:

Massively disappointed.
But memery aside, that would obviously be suspicious. Then again, this would be suspicious for literally anyone so I fail to see your point.

Ik heb een Wintertaling controle op je.

not sure about that

good thing to look for i guess
I still think that you are fully competent to act extremely towny as scum, so I’m not sure “different than last game” will tell me much

Uhm… lolgoogletranslate.

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but activity isn’t AI according to you

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activity isnt a case

its at worst a support pillar for a case

How would people feel if I excluded Arete from my readslist and the Anstreim section was just “Anstreim is town, nerds.”?

not even this

When I say “activity” I mean static activity.
Like Italy avoiding the thread from the beginning of the game and having no WiM, or you hyperposting.
If you started off hyperposting and then went dead quiet for the rest of the game, I’d be suspicious of you – and anyone else who would do the same.

Is this better?

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They’re a pain to read.

Guys can I go to champs next year