SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!


We must send the kat.

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Katze would run out of posts 4 hours in

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im not hyperposting though, just posting a lot

i should prob slow down before i become a top poster

#4 is a nice spot

iā€™d write in my bio that i am a chronic hyperposter and then slank in champs for the meme


We are sending Emilia because sheā€™s locktown.

Also I find it curious that you still seem to TR me after several people thought my behavior was weird.
Want to explain why you TR me?

I prefer #9

I wish I could. I find it very hard to express my thoughts on strong players.

#2 isnt bad

I think ive been #2 for majority of the games ive been n

ā€¦Since when am I a ā€œstrong playerā€.

i mean your readlist in the first game had 4/5 nontown in your bottom 5

good start

You should read SFoL 61, itā€™s a great read.

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since you existed

so this d1 is vastly better

For all you know it couldā€™ve been just luck.

Anyway Jane, Iā€™ll take that as a ā€œgutreadā€ for now, but if it wasnā€™t obvious Iā€™m going to elaborate on this whole situation later. Probably somewhere around the middle of D2.


you have any thoughts

any reads

that would require me to read
at this point Iā€™m vibin until EoD

if I asked you about particular people, do you think you could answer?

after i read, sure

EoD is in 5 hours


Great idea, Iā€™ll steal it.

Iā€™ll spend the entire latter halb of the night trying to express my thoughts on people like Arete/you/katze.

And probably fail but whatever.