SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

i thought it was in like
30 mins

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ima vibe in the thread until lunch
then disappear and finish my shit

Iā€™ll come back D2 with hopefully decent reads

Cloned did you rand Scorned again.

I thought I mentioned this already? :upside_down_face:

what if I bled you


Read post 1072 and tell me what you think of it.

what if you didnā€™t

i will not answer to any post that addresses me this way

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I feel like this is derps FPSā€™ing

if Italy can FPS trans effectively
I think SDA can do a merc FPS and have fun

I am not convinced of any reason why I shouldnā€™t


Cloned-Kun then.

how do you feel about post #446

lunch is here

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I wont bleed you before you get bacc

I feel like you did almost the same thing as me.

But if you actually want my opinion, I think itā€™s NAI.

what about #361

I hate it because the grammar is bad.

It feels somewhat performative, though.

Wait havenā€™t I basically asked them exactly the same thing? Oh well.

this is the post where nappy asks me if I have a scumgame

what do you make of it?

I wasnā€™t able to make anything off of it?
