SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

i CC

I am the Zealot. I know who the Mastermind is, since they are a heathen. You may ask: “katze, who is that delinquent?!” and “katze, how are you so cute?” but unfortunately the answers to those (and other burning questions) will not be answered. I could, however, kill the MM tonight. :innocent:

Really, you should have known from the start. Each and every word I’m writing. All of them, led to one thing. Can you see it? The hidden messages! I’m actually disappointed nobody caught them yet. Oh well. No point waiting any longer, really.

To all of my fans (if you exist): I’m sorry. Each and every one of you. Seriously, you all mean the world to me. To all of my haters (I know you exist): Ayaya.

You may be thinking: “katze, what was the point of this?” and to that, I must say: AYAYA

Of course, nothing is as it seems. Are you even reading this post correctly? Is there some ulterior motive behind this? Is the legendary, top tier wolf katze, giving up?

No, of course not.

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I wont be back before EOD(probably)

Gl lads

Lynch jane and jailexe kat/gorta

HH th other

Make sure intensify outs who is jailed if he swaps off kat

at least your lolcatting is higher-effort now

can Mastermind even be heathen

And don’t follow any of TBE’s nightplans when you see my flip :wink:

Don’t worry, Kat is in jail, if Jane flips town somehow, can I torture Kat with dog pictures?

You deserve to die just for this.


I guess they can

I don’t like that idea

Neither do I.

kat can you tell us who the Mastermind is please

Why not out the MM if they are a target and advance the game?


cmon yall really think i’d do this for real?

you do know there more then just my plans, and the plan i just said involves killing your NK suspect while HHing your assassin suspect?

this is the third time today you’ve scumclaimed and then declared it to be a reactiontest

No, it was obviously the fake openwolf you mentioned earlier.

the first two were funny

this one was supposed to be used in a funny context but never got used

but i already wrote it so im fucking posting it

I mean, you’re the MM, so I’m not going to trust any of your plans.

im trying to enjoy this game in any way i can, just ignore the memes in my ISO for when you ISO me on D5

there’s enough to solve