FAM Final Main Thread - Game Over - Mafia + Imperials win!

also we’ve in the neighbourhood been planning to shoot you as a group in ITAs since the start of the day Jane


this is no longer village idiotaly talking
i have gone full gamer

Unlike Italy, where Misty ask you to talk to him.

There’s mechanical proof upon Vulgard’s death and well, pay attention on whats said next after the flip.

yeah i can second this

last time jane was in a game where they knew they were dying as a villager

there’s more emotion in these posts

admittedly this is mostly in “emoji usage” but they’re actually pushing a read they believe

Scumreads on here of importance, Jane, Tangled, Ici, Astand

Second on a Jane wagon that went at least 4 vote strong.

I asked for reads, because I was scumreading these 3, Hippo was added for the lost wolf soft.

Was always against Maxi being shot.

Omg in hindsight I really could tell TL was Tangled’s partner way earlier from this interaction.

I ended vote on Tan and was not present for like the remaining 8 hrs or so until EoD, so I didn’t even witness any of the Lol vs Tan wagonry.

Day 2

I was fucking pissed at this announcement and thought it was real. I’m addicted to fm, which people around me wouldn’t understand and I was with my bf at the time. I really really wanted to have that 50% shot, because that’s a big upgrade. This new window meant I had to stay up until 3 AM, so I literally stayed up fairly late and then pretended to go to sleep to lay there fucking motionless before I went to the bathroom to read up and post these posts: Yes, I’m most definitely quitting again after this game. You just need to not have anything else going on in able to do fm

I also shielded Intensify here as one of the few players.

I landed on Amelia between PKR/Amelia/Lemon

I went full throtttle on Ici even more, precisely because the Joker wagon was getting steam and I felt that they were town.

Note the below shot list contains two scum and 1 3rd party.

[quote=“Solic, post:5594, topic:88190, full:true”]

I caught Leafia making a fake read on Nutella. They never answered me on it. Dang that actually made Nutella a lot more obvious as well, fuck maybe it’s 20/20 hindsight or I should just ISO my own posts more lol.

Note, TWL claimed desperado at this point. See a fucking pattern here :eyes:

Oh wait I was actually aware of that at this point. This was me waking up for a work day like 5 minutes before EoD seeing Whysper had gladiated and I still needed to use my vote. Read that again… I still needed to use my vote

Day 3

Make the fucking connection. This probably doesn’t skirt claimvig enough anymore, but why take additional risk. If you can’t figure this one out, you’re probably not reading this long post anyways.

TL;DR: I’m just fucking town and if you can’t see it, you need to READ MY DAMN POSTS.

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I literally added you at the start of the day and I’m pretty sure you know it.

kat is literally in the same place I had vulgard and he flipped town despite feeling bad for the same reasons I expect kat to

does me objecting to the current shotlist mean anything

i know what vulgard’s card says but unforunately he isnt here to verify it

kat’s sudden actions feel like trying to shake off a wagon by distracting the pushers

I think Wind is never scum with Leafia

and Emilia might be an easy miselim

I’ll read this in a bit, thanks solic

whatever italy shoot me with your ITA and break my ita shield and then sit and ponder whether or not it was worth the effort

or, listen to me, a villager, and actually read my fucking case on jane


Wow it’s almost like I cared about that game.

i know your ita shield isn’t real, joykat :upside_down_face:

oh yeah remember how 5 people who all called me town died the very next cycle after doing that and people still put me in their shotlists

member that guys

this is true of half of the PoE

at least some of that must be faked or else I’m way off base

then fucking shoot it