SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

theres plenty of problems with it

oh well, if you’re town then we lose regardless jane


This plan also literally relies on Cloned not being converted.
But yeah.

I don’t want to vote Jane just yet, give it a few hours

cloned or TBE is always converted if theres a n3 convert

but we’re listening to one and hoping the other isnt converted?

Yeah, unfortunately I don’t think I can convince people to lynch scoom today.

Silence! I have an announcement!



Votee Voted By Votes Tags
Napoleon x 0/6 Anstreim
Jane clonedcheese, ModeShifter, TheBlueElixir, Intensify 4/6 TheBlueElixir, clonedcheese
TheBlueElixir Jane, katze 2/6 Jane
an_gorta_pratai x 0/6 katze
katze Arete, an_gorta_pratai 2/6 Arete, an_gorta_pratai

Hammer has been reached. Please silence

Amelia has announcement, are we doing another rerand?


An early hammer has been initiated!


Votee Voted By Votes Tags
Napoleon x 0/6 Anstreim
Jane clonedcheese, ModeShifter, TheBlueElixir, Intensify 4/4 TheBlueElixir, clonedcheese
TheBlueElixir Jane 1/6 Jane
an_gorta_pratai x 0/6 katze
katze Arete, an_gorta_pratai 2/6 Arete, an_gorta_pratai



With the strange peace that was the previous night, the court was invigorated, and ready to find the conspirators to the Cult. They discuss for a while, and eventually a consenus is reached.

The Archdeacon stands up, and points at Jane. “You! You must be the Mastermind behind everything!”

Jane stares in amazement. “No, I’m the High Priestess, and the Vessel’s sister. How you don’t recognize me, I don’t know, but I can prove it!”

The Archdeacon isn’t convinced. “Off with her head! She must be an impostor!”

The shock is so great that all Jane can do is fall to her knees and accept her fate.

Jane has been executed! She was…

The High Priestess

Cult Investigative
Unparalleled Devotion (Passive) - Votes for you to become the next archdeacon are doubled. Keep this passive on class change.
Dazzle (Day) - Silently make a player require one less vote to be sacrificed today. 1 use :crown:
Reconciliation (Night) - Learn a player’s class type grouping. 3 uses
Mirror on the Wall (Night) - Gaze into crimson glass and learn if your target attacked anyone over the course of the game or attacks someone tonight. 1 use

Defeat the Blue Dragon and Unseen as well as any neutrals who would oppose you.


sigh … I told you it was Bloo.

N1 - Reconciliate Gaja1234 (-> Vulgard) [Social/Support]
D2 - Lynch Appel; Lose 1 use for Mirror on the Wall
N2 - Reconciliate clonedcheese [Killer/Offensive]
D3 - Dazzle katze (redirected to Intensify); Wasted (Gee thanks Intensify)
N3 - Reconciliate Arete (So I can be thunderdomed with Bloo :smiley:) [Social/Support]

TheBlueElixir + an_gorta_pratai
NK = katze?

My suffering has finally ended!

Probably taking a permanent break after this as my WiM is definitely a trust-tell by now that nobody cares about. .

Day 4 has ended and Night 4 shall begin. It will end at 2020-06-03T22:28:00Z. Deadline for submitting night actions is an hour before EoN.

The deadline for submitting night actions has been reached and they will now be processed.

1 Like

A tense feeling goes through the air. Something is amiss. That’s what Amelia and Marshal tell themselves as they walk towards the court room. When they arrive, they notice just what is wrong.

Stuffed inside of a chest, they found Intensify’s body. In blood next to the chest, is written “You are the embodiment of Mithras himself. You cannot be allowed to live further.” They slowly back away, in shock at such an event. By doing so, another terror is seen.

It’s clonedcheese’s body, dangling from the ceiling upon some strings. It almost looks like he’s a puppet. But one thing is for certain. The killers are certainly not gone.

Intensify was killed during the night! He was…

The Vessel :shield: :crossed_swords: :fire:

Cult Killer
Unstoppable (Passive) - Immune to being occupied and redirected at night.
Unparalleled Devotion (Passive) - Votes for you to become the archdeacon count as two for you.
Bind Down (Day) - Bind a player to your sacrificial altar tonight, occupying them and preventing all visits, bypassing immunity to occupation. Additionally, you two may send two 1000 character messages to each other tonight through the host. - 3 uses
Execute (Night) - Sacrifice the person bound to the altar to Mithras, killing them bypassing each and every way your target could survive. If they are not Cult, you will gain a use of Bind Down, but if they are, you lose all charges of this ability and cannot get more. - 3 uses
Project Terror (Night) - Remove a player’s immunities tonight. Only usable if you did not use Bind Down. - 2 uses

Defeat the Blue Dragon and Unseen as well as any neutrals who would oppose you.


Intensify - Vessel

N1 - No jail
N2 - Jailaxe CRich
N3 - Jailed Katze (Cloned is confirmed)
N4 - Jailed Katze (again)
I have decided to not exe Katze. I know this might be a bad idea but I have really no idea whether it would be a wise choice to axe Katze because if Kat was MM, we would be dealing with 1 - 2 Unseen because Kat would not have been able to convert anyone for 2 nights in a row in jail. If Kat is BD, well then it would be preferable to keep Kat around for votes. Hopefully I am making the right choice, I am sorry if I am not, this is a very hard decision. I hope I am making the right choice and if I didn’t, I would like to apologize deeply for this mistake.
Dammit… why did I have to get Vessel. Anyways, I fully expect to be strongmmaned tonight and if I am not… uhhhh Kat is NK then or this NK is like me has no idea wth they are doing

ClonedCheese was killed during the night! He was…

The Puppeteer

Cult Offensive
Unparalleled Devotion (Passive) - Votes for you to become the next archdeacon are doubled. Keep this passive on class change.
Control Freak (Passive) - You are immune to Occupation and Redirection at night.
Mind Control (Day) - If your first target uses a day ability, they will be forced to target the second target. 1 use
Strings of Mithras (Night) - Redirect your first target to your second target tonight. 3 uses
Overload (Night) - Remove any immunities your target may have tonight, then occupy them. 1 use

Defeat the Blue Dragon and Unseen as well as any neutrals who would oppose you.


clonedcheese the Puppeteer
N1: no action bleh
N2: Arete to myself
If I die tonight then duh Arete
otherwise I’m suspecting Anstreim - their RT on CRich looked like they were confident they would catch scum. Maybe this is scum that hit an immune?

Night 4 has ended and Day 5 has begun. It will end at 2020-06-05T22:35:00Z. With 7 players alive, majority is 4. You may now post.

/vote kat

kat is literally outed from EoD yesterday why the fuck is he not dead

so vessel was strongmanned while i was in jail

can you guys get off my fucking back and lynch gorta now?

Mass Pingus


I did the numbers and we are screwed today

holy shit arete

the prince was strongmanned while i was in jail