SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

To be honest your responses weren’t really “suspicious”, I just went and looked over them, then tried to interpret them.
But thank you for your explanation.
Also, from your first point it looks to me like you didn’t fully catch up with the thread so you should probably do that since Gaja is more or less mech cleared, though not completely I guess.

Alice recinded her redcheck

there is no mech info against gaja

Oh I must have missed that part then. You guys seem to like to soft claim and then retract your claims a lot huh.



happened a lot more this game then I would think

who would do that

thats crazy talk

Anyways, since I’m not caught up on most of the claims, mind if anyone gives me a list of what people have claimed so far?

people don’t like to do that

in case scum didn’t see claims

but theres so little chat I can believe that scum has probably read up

Arete claimed damsel(maid)

wait is that all? That’s all i remembered anyway


/vote Gorta

quick everybody do something

i can go along with this

/vote Gorta

you do realize you’ve now tagged him

eh we’ve got to get over that eventually

yes i do

Cloned is in PoE for most people from what I’ve seen and we agreed that people in PoE tagging likely lynch targets is fine.
Although I’m still not really sold on Gorta lynch today but we shall see.


Some of the earlier posts look kind of TMIish again as they aren’t even considering the redcheck

but the later part where they wanted to not lynch Gaja for unclear mechanical reasons seems basically fine


no lynch will be happening soon

Votee Voters Votes Tags
Arete ModeShifter 1/8 x
Napoleon x 0/8 SirDerpsalot
Gaja1234 x 0/8 CRichard564
TheBlueElixir SirDerpsalot, Appelsiini 2/8 Appelsiini, katze
Anstreim x 0/8 Napoleon
Italy Napoleon 1/8 x
an_gorta_pratai TheBlueElixir, clonedcheese 2/8 TheBlueElixir, clonedcheese

I’m fine with whichever unless people decide to leave lynches to rand.
In which case I’m absolutely against it.

Obviously, duh, but the tag persists through the day.

brain moment

scum want to tag other scum

so cult don’t get the benefits if they die

worth noting

Arete do you have any hot takes or anything else?

Ans isn’t on this

question mark

That’s the second person that excluded me from their readlist btw.
Which is interesting but probably just a mistake.