SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

i wanna make a readlist and exclude you now
but that’d require me to make a readlist

You made one on D1 and I was proud of you.
You can make another one.


like i said earlier, maybe when i wake up

until now i am a brainless husk of a katze

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here’s my readlist:


clonedcheese: locktown

guess who I excluded :^)

Just finished my last AP test, will be back after lunch

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why is Italy not in your PoE

My hottest take was ‘Nappy might have TMI’

most of my takes are fairly cold

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because he was greenchecked

/vote Italy

tag, you’re it

Could I have your current PoE as well? Considering you are caught up with the thread.

Votee Voters Votes Tags
Arete ModeShifter 1/8 x
Napoleon x 0/8 SirDerpsalot
Gaja1234 x 0/8 CRichard564
TheBlueElixir SirDerpsalot, Appelsiini 2/8 Appelsiini, katze
Anstreim x 0/8 Napoleon
Italy Napoleon, Arete 2/8 Arete
an_gorta_pratai TheBlueElixir,clonedcheese 2/8 TheBlueElixir, clonedcheese

to be fair most people have a fairly consensus read on them

the only people you can really have hot takes on are like, me/gorta/italy/crich(?)/seth/cheese

unless you scumread someone whos consensus TR in which case you get crucified

Immediate PoE is like, Italy/Gorta/Derps

Secondary PoE is CRich/TBE/Cheese

…why is my entire PoE LHFy

I don’t like that

also I still think Seth is a wolf but I’m confident he’s not a scum killer or converter, or the NK

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i guess ill give a hot take

TBE is one of my higher TRs

Seth is the King. Are you sober?

that is the joke™️

I don’t mesh well with humor.
That’s outed info.

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imagine walking in and getting told your a high TR, to them be told it wa s ajoke

im 100% serious

remember what I said about deepwolf


I don’t get it