SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

you want to out it

if your right, people might think you will be right again and trust you

if you think a lot of evils are town

then you might have a little less trust

also if you don’t then its hard for others to understand your slot’s thought process

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Explain Arete and Intensify

Not just ‘bad/spicy’ reads. I’m asking you to engage and express your opinions on reads that you agree/disagree with, especially if you have a feeling that there are arguments supporting your side, and they aren’t being voiced.

Also not been a fan of Crich

His tone feels slightly off

Refer to the wallpost above on Arete. Namely:

Intensify for a few reasons. One of those reasons is tone.

alright well ill try to have that be a thing

i don’t have a really exceptional read that isn’t being outted

Do you want to tell me what ticks you off about Appel?
Because I’ve been saying this for a bit but I didn’t like a few of her posts. Other than that, she looked mostly okay to me.


I know im going to be called on that

i have returned


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Night starts in 4 minutes

Nvm in 3 minutes now


That ones pure gut

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I think we still have 30 minutes

Don’t force it. Just talk with people, that’s my tl;dr of this whole thing for you.
I’m surprised you find it hard to engage with us here because your play during ToS2 felt a lot more confident?

In what way?

would you like to point to any posts that made you feel this way

??? Wait nvm different timezones

Idk it just feels different

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we has 30 mins