SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)


:eyes: :eyes: :eyes:

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This made me laugh harder than I should have.

Morning, Ans

Hello Ans. How are you today?

So I just woke up to two pings from Alice and a bunch of replies. Letā€™s see.

Sigh. What did I say about claiming before I went to bed.
Gorta might be scum but his recent posts are better, and we are not lynching him today. I think as long as he has some presence in the thread, we can more or less read him.
SDA is the most likely person to FPS in this pile, and judging by his posts, I am absolutely sure that he is, in fact, FPSing. Unless he reveals something important as I go down ā€“ I wouldnā€™t take that check seriously.
Not to mention that I donā€™t think there are any Cult investigatives who have alignment checks.

I went to bed.
From your readlist, it honestly looks like you feel as if you have to write one? Readlists arenā€™t a homework. They are just a way to showcase your opinions. I think itā€™s better to just define one-two people you have strong opinions rather than write a list full of nulls. And no, I donā€™t like to take charge because I havenā€™t played once before.
Also I was going to ask about Arete weirdness, but I see that others did it for me below.

So I was completely right when thinking that you were going for Kokushoā€™s and thatā€™s the reason I didnā€™t want to talk about it before. I am still dissatisfied that you outed it so early. It would do a lot more good to us if you just said ā€œI have a potential redcheckā€, then watch if someone starts behaving oddly ā€“ just in my opinion.

If me and Gaja match, yet Gaja is a redcheck per Aliceā€™s, one of you two is lying.
Because Iā€™m Town.
If Gaja was framed in some way by Alice last night, you would hit said frame and get incompatible.
If we actually match, Aliceā€™s redcheck is fake.

Judging by the fact that Alice has been pushing for Gaja of all people, I do not think her check is fake. Scum Alice would have much easier time mislynching someone like Gorta who did exist in the thread, even if barely, instead of trying to eliminate a newbie.
Iā€™ll say more, it would make even more sense for scum Alice to go for a redcheck on one of the more active/TRā€™d player like yourself, Napoleon, or potentially me.

Although I have trouble grasping your motivation as well because you basically outed yourself as invest above. Let me read on.

spoiler: Alice retracted her check as a second FPS

Iā€™m town. Like I just wrote out, if Aliceā€™s check is right then it has to be Arete.
Because I donā€™t see Alice going for someone like Gaja of all people, no offense to them.

Conversion happens after investigative results.

Gaja physically cannot be Framed judging by both of these checks. One of them has to be fake, though I suppose both could be fake as well ā€“ but I donā€™t see it.
Also, if Aliceā€™s check is right, then Arete is basically outed scum/neutral. Areteā€™s check, on the other hand, signifies that Alice is scum, but I already said it ā€“ why would scum Alice go for a newbie? It makes zero sense.

Thatā€™s literally what Iā€™ve been saying. You could be trying to cover yourself but I donā€™t see why scum you would point this out right now.
Also your confusion seems genuine enough to not come from a wolf? But Aliceā€™s check literally makes zero goddamn sense if itā€™s a lie.

I am Cult.
And I am not a neutral.

is this a hardclaimā„¢ļø

Ans is pretty clearly playing better than 90 percent of the thread myself included and I donā€™t know how to feel about that

So, okay. Weā€™ve outed Gaja which I absolutely donā€™t like, but I guess we cleared another person that I was suspecting.
Unless Arete outs that their check is FPS as well, in which case Iā€™m going to be very dissatisfied.
The issue still stands ā€“ there are no other people in PoE, barring Appelā€™s information.

Donā€™t. Just donā€™t talk about abilities or start making nightplans 1/4th into the day. It doesnā€™t benefit us.

And there it is, like I said, I had 0 faith in SDAā€™s ā€˜checkā€™ being real. Moving on.

Btw, I apologize for not reading all of your pings that I see below because this is an annoying, but probably the best way to go about backreading in an actual game.
If you hate it I can just skip straight to the end next time.

I hate to break it to ya, but I am a newbie. I have been here a year or so, but I havenā€™t played for a year or so either

also I am here, but I am just playing a mafia type game in another thing and listening to heavy metal at 2 AM

Thatā€™s a take.
A take that I think only myself had on D1? Care to elaborate, because you didnā€™t really do it below?
Also I find it somewhat curious that Iā€™m apparently missing from your readlist, but after your RT I suppose I know where you would have me.
So many people with names that start with A, am I right.

The thing is, we are still running into the same old issue of having basically no people in our PoE.
And the fact that you donā€™t have any contrarian opinions either bothers me ā€“ a lot.

ā€¦I guess groupscum could be within newbies like you are suggesting.
Iā€™m still unsure why so many of you TL Cloned this early. Also there are some words to be said about a certain active player, but Iā€™ll save them for later.

Oh and yes, Gaja is literally mech cleared for now unless like I said, Arete retracts their check somewhere below.
But then thereā€™s also conversion, however I am not going to convert hunt on D2.
Even though it probably makes sense to consider targets.

Katzeā€™s FPS seems to be coming from a V-PoV. Alch claim basically shows that they have a feat of dying at night which hints at them being Cult.

I still consider Alice in my pool of possible converts.

Also most Contrarian read I have is CRich being a potential wolf candidate.

Like, heā€™s just been doubling down on his reads without bothering to re-eval despite the non-stop dead ends weā€™re facing.

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this is a fake read

I think Appel is very likely town here. That interaction just adds to it.
I do want her to reveal her information before making any final judgements, but imo the way she handled Aliceā€™s question was a good look.

Do you want me to do it?
Although Alice did it herself below, even if she was mostly talking about TMI.

Gorta is not todayā€™s lynch, at the very least not yet.
Cloned/SDA/Italy/maybe Intensify Iā€™m okay with. Though they would never be my first pick.

False. Italy actually plays the game on D2, which is why Iā€™ve been saying over and over and over ā€“ let him post.
As long as he posts on D2, his alignment will become more or less obvious. If he stays silent or barely posts the whole day, then he can die.

alice why are you trying to pocket me