SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

Who would be your first pick :eyes:

I’m rethinking my scum read on Seth. It’s quite possible that I’ve misread him as scum because of real life things going on. If that is the case, then he could be village misread as wolf. The one thing that still bothers me is assuming Katze poisoned the King which i think is true, who healed Seth?

i didnt think id have to retract that

but i did not poison the king D1

Meh, I don’t have much opinion here. Intensify is just trying to mech-solve the game, which is kind of villagery, Italy has done nothing, and Cheese only just randomly pops in to state that inactivity is NAI.


re-reading the interactions surrounding Alice outing her check a few of Nappy’s posts stood out to me (these weren’t the only ones, but they’re relevant to the question I was going to ask, and I’d prefer not to explain what’s up with the other ones until after I get his answer)

@Napoleon did you have a particular reason behind asking these specific questions?

Then that solves the mystery as to how Seth is still alive. Alright then.

Italy is someone who shouldn’t be read until D2. Right now I’m scum leaning Italy mainly because he is acting similar to his last scum game in SFoL 60.

I honestly am not liking how naive CRich is this match, tbh.

I’m Alive because I’m me and I’m Town.
I go sleep now.
Bye bye.

Have a good night Seth.

Could you elaborate on what you mean by that?

…Lmao. That’s all I can say.

After some consideration, just leave Alice and Kat alone.

I outright told Invokers (if they exist) to not poison Seth. I am glad that they, if present, actually listened.
And I am vetoing poison on Seth today as well, at the very least right now.

At this point even if Seth were scum Archdeacon, there is no point voting him out as we need group scum and NK out first. Besides why risk losing Invokers at this stage of the game if we have any?

Like, he’s not trying to solve my slot and just insists that I’m a villager.

And for some reason he’s just believing in every damn claim this match. Like, there’s no skepticism at all coming from him.

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i agree with alice here

pretty sure hes like this every game

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crich believed my obvious meme post without even looking at it twice

Hot take: CRich is NK.


I think he’s more naive than usual.

crich started getting a bit defensive despite the fact it was an obvious meme