SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

He’s not completely outside of his wolfrange, but the fact that he’s actually present in the thread and isn’t completely apathetic made me move him from immediate PoE.
I wouldn’t be opposed to seeing him flip but by now I’m mostly certain that his class card would be crimson, and I would never execute him today.
Though there’s also the possibility of him being a Neutral but I’m not going to bother with Neutrals right now.

Also, has your readlist changed at all since yesterday?

School’s ending in 1 hour for me, but we’re not really doing anything here. Hi there


Hello Appel.
I’m excited to hear your thoughts on CRichard/Italy when you have time as well.
And of course, the same question that I asked Kat: have your opinions on anyone changed?

Without mech information that you might or might not have from this night.*

@SirDerpsAlot do you mind answering a few questions?

Any concrete reasons why an Appel lynch is better than anyone else being lynched?

I’d like to hear from Derps why he thinks Napoleon isn’t group scum. This seems a little TMI to my liking.

In what way is Italy helping the town here in your PoV? I don’t see that happening from Italy so far.

You mind giving me your reasons personally why you think Alice is town? No sheeping other people please.

I like this PoE, though Derps isn’t my first lynch candidate. I’ve somewhat ISO’d him and Intensify, and came to a conclusion that while Derps has questionable posts and shades, he might still be town based on some other posts - especially his interactions with Alice.

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I also came to a conclusion that Intensify is most likely town. He seems to be kind of scared of speaking up because others might seem it as “suspicious” or “odd” but still makes good points regardless. I won’t quote because mobile, but I’d say him not wanting to lynch Gaja is actually a good look. Because he is so self-aware, I don’t believe he would so openly defend a scum buddy lile that; just wanted to try something out, but then retracted it because he realized it would probably be too risky.

Also can I be annoyed at Anstreim for having a good-looking PoE? I wanted to re-evaluate them since people say they can be very convincing as a scum :^) I’m still gonna do it at some point, but now I feel less confident about it

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Not going to downplay my own competence or incompetence, but I’ve never played FMs before this one.
My experience with social deduction comes from playing ToL and spectating 5(6?) games here.

Also, I have a few other things to say about that PoE today, but I’m going to wait until EoD.

I am pretty okay at being scum in ToL though :^)

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I see.

Setting that aside, I haven’t ISO’d her yet but Alice is giving me weird vibes. What do you think about her?

I’ve mentioned this in one of my earlier posts today, but I think that RT actually gives her some town points.
It does not make sense for such thing to come from scum Alice, unless both Gaja and Alice are wolves together (clearing a newbie through fake pressing them is a thing), however there are numerous things that contradict this.

  1. Arete’s check says Gaja matches with me. I am town, therefore Gaja has to be town or a town siding neutral (although there’s still potential of him being MM, I guess).
  2. Gaja’s own reaction isn’t something that comes from newbie wolf imo. Even if coached by someone like Alice, I think it would instead come stiff – what I’ve seen here was pretty pure.

And the fact that Gaja admitted to doing nothing on N1 because he wasn’t sure about his abilities is another pointer to that.

Incidentally, I also have a theory about Alice that involves her not being town, but just like PoE discussion, I’m going to leave that for EoD.
To conclude this semi-wall of text: Alice is never being lynched today.

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My PoE is in Derps, Intensify, Seth and Cheese.
I did TL cheese though he has only made a few reads and disappeared.
Ditto for Seth.
I’m still waiting to talk to Derps. Intensify was a slight TL on my part, though I don’t like his recent posts and I’m therefore moving him into the PoE for that reason.

Votee Voters Votes Tags
Arete ModeShifter 1/8 x
Napoleon x 0/8 SirDerpsalot
Gaja1234 x 0/8 CRichard564
TheBlueElixir SirDerpsalot 1/8 x

one person shot down a lot because my n1 action

nobody else has changed a ton, but i also haven’t done a full reads reevaluation yet

which ill prob do after i wake up? idk

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Go to bed then, scrublord.

im not tired yet

im just lazy

although most of my friends are asleep so i prob have time to reeval now, but i primarily wanted to wait until closer to EoD

Well we still have a plenty of time until EoD so I’d just go and sleep now.

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stop trying to convince me to sleep when ill prob be up like 8 more hours, nerd

Maybe I’m secretly doing this so that you wake up earlier and I get to talk with you more before I inevitably pass out at a reasonable time again.