SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

Belated thanks in advance.

Mods Little birds have told me more about mechanics and Iā€™m going to have to take this quote back.

What on earth happened to Jane N1??

I need to go look at the classcards again
3rd timeā€™s the charm, they say

1 Like

Appel I thought you claimed to have seen whoever visited Jane the night they died. Are you still claiming that?


Oh yeah never mind. So what is your information based on then Appel?

I literally do not see any way Jane could have died without TBE lying about their visit. So Iā€™m just gonna do this.

/vote TBE

I donā€™t think I can say it without outing my class. Iā€™ll reveal it before EoD probably


who did you visit last night

Votee Voters Votes Tags
Arete ModeShifter 1/8 x
Napoleon x 0/8 SirDerpsalot
Gaja1234 x 0/8 CRichard564
TheBlueElixir SirDerpsalot, Appelsiini 2/8 Appelsiini

Also this brings up a tinfoil theory that Alice is Frostweaver, which I kind of thought about earlier. Thereā€™s no concrete proof behind that one, but it would explain A LOT.

the theory is that alice knows who else visited jane and is deciding on who to bleed? :thinking:

Maybe. But Iā€™m honestly really confused right now because I have no idea wtf happened to Jane

What Iā€™m most scared of right now is that I have been missing some class thatā€™s abilities could magically explain all of this, despite reading through them 3 times now

Iā€™m going to check if TBE claimed their N1 visit.

youā€™re making me very curious but i also despise the idea of a d2 massclaim even if it feels inevitable

its not long



cant poison d1


tbf when I was new I just kinda had my reads and watched people. My reads werenā€™t necessarily consensus(if i remember randomizer correctly), but if someone was gonna die, I was just going to let em die

this isnt a reason to clear intensify but it is a thing

Please do the regular quotes

the entertaining of that idea came after the quoted post


hes from ToS and ToL and someone jā€™accuses someone with mech d2

it wasnā€™t a quick conclusion either

checks that I have 2 quotes from ans :eyes:

oh it was Italy

TMI is bad


isnā€™t appel and someone else also waiting for EoD to say stuff

gonna be a bit clogged but okay

I visited gorta last night

no need to keep searching

you can

no timegate on it, nerd

Alright I found it. You claimed to visit Gorta. What was your night action on Gorta then?

oh what

what healer was on the king

my b