SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

Frick, I already have more than 50 posts.

Good night.

the fact that Anstreim is only asking questions and not really making reads yet makes me kind of nervous about him

it reminds me a little bit of how I played scum when I was new (not being totally sure how to contribute and asking lots of questions to look productive without really doing anything with them)

Arete uses they/them pronouns, fyi. But I see.

I take it you are planning to play seriously instead of taking a more relaxed approach, then?

Noted. Do you think metareads help you a lot in general?
I think you canā€™t rely on them too much except for a few very specific people, hence why I want to move from that.

Feel free to ask me questions if you have any. We havenā€™t interacted that much yet.

I should follow your examples.

Just curious, why were you interested in my answer for the BD/Unseen question?

I meant Alice

I have yet to take a game relaxed

I know ive brought it up to much but I am multitabbing but I intend to give as much effort as I can to both


I donā€™t know a lot of people so I tend to compare them to games I wasnā€™t in and it helps to look if the ISOs are similar

Wanted to see how you would answer and how you would justify your answer.

At this point Iā€™m mostly just curious what your reads are (and why)

itā€™s okay if they arenā€™t super strong yet

I was hoping that you would ask, seeing as you think Iā€™m not doing anything with my questions.

Alice is a slight TL because like I said, I liked her RT. Not immensely, but it makes sense to me.
TBE whom Iā€™ve been ā€˜interrogatingā€™ for the past 10-15 minutes reads a little bit strained to me. Iā€™m somewhat concerned that he feels obligated to produce content, hence why Iā€™m trying to see what he thinks with additional questions. I agree that him being wary of other players is good, just like I agree that a lot of you are strong players ā€“ but it feels somewhat off that heā€™s already confidently entertaining the idea of a deepwolf, not even 2 hours into D1.
The rest of the reads are a bit more muddled, so Iā€™d prefer to wait before elaborating on them.

Can you quote the specific posts that made you think that?

Hello everyone. Initial impressions so far: Alice gives town vibes as usual. Arete is a town lean.

Why is Arete a townlean for you?


Just this constant thought that he has to do something.
I donā€™t really like it.


I think after hearing that explanation youā€™re a townlean for me

in particular

this makes a lot of sense and is consistent with how most of the questions youā€™ve been asking have been directed towards him, which makes me think itā€™s more likely that you are actually trying to solve his slot

Arete has a distinctive town meta which I detect from my previous games with them.
Mind you it is an early call, yet thatā€™s my read on them.

I just read up again

my slot is being discussed

but its not a case against me

so im going to awkwardly sit here and wait for the topic to move

So if I asked you for your opinion on his slot, what would it be?

have you seen any of my games where I was scum (not counting Virtuous II, since I was a neut)?

Was gonna ask the exact same thing

I have an important question. Do you feel like you are obligated to do something?