SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

I mean


ā€œUnderstandable have a nice dayā€


I donā€™t believe the claim

some of my theories on why you could be fakeclaiming would be minus-EV to say


i have a theory
itā€™s because heā€™s katze
(and actually senex :eyes:)

okay, i rescind.

where am i now?

So Katze fake claimed alchemist? :thinking:

do you feel like explaining your motivation behind fakeclaiming

god fucking damn it
i had it set to unique
the entire list is worthless

Okay Italy is just town here

Gee what could that link lead to?



Italy is someone I have trouble figuring out their alignment. All my games with him, my reads on him were guesswork.

Itā€™s myTM Italy soul read


I guess Iā€™m defaulting to a light townlean then since thatā€™s where I had you before

I guess

itā€™s actually (tm)


i unrescind, now what?

Shut up Iā€™ll move you to a scum read damnit

Intensify is the only non-poster who joined this game. Still a null read.
