SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

italy’s absolute gamer math
crich is outrider
katze is senex
TBE is ritualist
anstreim is seeker
alice is fanatic
arete is supplicant
intensify is missionary
italy is supplicant
napoleon is high priestess
gorta is witcher
appel is deacon
jane is bloodletter
SDA is vessel
gaja is mind flayer
cloned is puppeteer

on why i rolled very specific neuts and scum see my earlier rolls, where i single handedly deduced it was bd/mindflayer with senex as only neutral non NK
when you take fake random readlists too far

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I don’t have a third to be honest

if you rescind your neut fakeclaim I might put you in a tier

this honestly makes me kind of concerned because I don’t have any super strong townreads among my top town

Except i’m not an outrider. This has to be Italy doing a reaction test.

this was actually super hard to do because i had to number each class i listed, then roll until all guaranteed classes were in the list

actually, it’s a fake random.org readlist gone too far

where would you place me in a hypothetical world where i rescind the fakeclaim, and why would you place me there?

what does “hot take” mean again?

that would probably depend on your explanation of the motivation behind the fakeclaim

you were mildly townie before you rescinded

I mean *before you claimed neut

this one is purely meta

wait shit i fucked up the list clearly says “mentalist”

in this context, a take you think would be out of the ordinary

eg. you think someone who is commonly scumread is actually town

i guess a more accurate word would be contrarian

also yes i literally numbered every single class in the game, using earlier rolls to make specific standards so i don’t spend 5 hours rerolling for a valid list and then rolled until i had all unique guaranteeds both unique and in the list

Not at the moment except maybe:

Townleaning Arete after analyzing similarities and differences in their speech patterns of their other games

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and if i don’t rescind?

arete’s tone is much different as scum
it’s just really hard to describe

I wouldn’t really say hard to describe if I’m right about this

I’m thinking Jane is village. Mind you I haven’t seen scum Jane games.


because it’s fun